#SuperSeptember Goals:
🩸 finish The Book Eaters
☠️ start this lovely book!
🌿 read Nettle & Bone
📚 catch up on Arabian Nights
#SuperSeptember Goals:
🩸 finish The Book Eaters
☠️ start this lovely book!
🌿 read Nettle & Bone
📚 catch up on Arabian Nights
#7Days7Covers #CoverCrush
Day 1
Seven covers in seven days with no explanation and tag someone new everyday. @marleed - do you have any favorite covers? Thanks for the tag @mklong !
This book is good for what it is. A quick read about the presence of arsenic in everyday items during the Victorian period, especially in wallpaper. There are many examples of this wallpaper interspersed between chapters. It is a visually lovely book, but I guess I feel like it was more style than substance.
I'm still smitten with Bitten. #flowersonthecover #feistyfeb
This was a really pretty and interesting book, containing bright, colorful reproductions of Victorian era wallpapers. Interspersed between the reproductions were chapters on the manufacture of arsenic and its use in medicine, clothing and home furnishings. Later chapters surrounded the controversy regarding whether arsenic was truly poisonous and should be banned, and then the rise of arsenic-free wallpaper. Pretty to look at and educational.
A few flower covers. #FunFridayPhoto
Why yes. This is my incredible new book by Thames & Hudson about Victorian wallpaper made with poisonous arsenic. It has samples of all the wallpapers with teeny tiny inset chapters and I can't even tell you how gorgeous it is! But I do feel awfully funny after running my hands all over the wallpaper samples...