1. Carrot cake 🥕🍰
2. The Lion in Winter (the film with Katharine Hepburn & Peter O'Toole is delightful)
3. My health; my mother & my fiancee, who may drive me insane but are always there for me; enough money, food & clothing; a roof over my head & a car; a job where I can do meaningful work; cats, and good books.
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
A favorite play and movie. Miss Katherine Hepburn something fierce! #emojimadness @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
Appropriate snow day (= out to shovel five times in ten hours) reading: James Goldman's 1966 play The Lion in Winter. Bonus: this is a first edition and includes stills from the first theatrical production with--get this--a very young Christopher Walken as Louis.
I went to a heavenly bookstore today--Loganberry Books in Cleveland. The outside is purple. It's dreamy. More pictures soon!
Still a favorite after all this time! And finished just in time for Christmas. Happy Holidays, folks! 🎄⭐️❄️🎅🏻
This whole exchange tho. "The sun was warmer then and we were everyday together" is one of my favorite melancholic quotes. I've used it in my own life in the past. Part of the reason I love this play, and I've said it before, is how applicable I find it to my life. I'm always finding something new on every rereading.
Geoffrey's line here is one of my favorites ever. It's just so absurd and sort of lampshades the web of constantly shifting motives and tactics the audience is trying to keep track of. Honestly this whole scene has a bunch of meta dialogue about improvising, rehearsing, and scenes. My favorite meta line comes in later ("Scenes. I can't touch my sons except in scenes."), but this is a favorite.
Taking a break from my other book to take part in my traditional winter break reading. "The Lion in Winter" is one of my favorite plays that I hated in high school but I love as an adult. The dialogue and characters are fantastic, and there's always something new I find in here.
Saw this play at the Guthrie theater tonight! Eleanor of Aquitaine + Henry II + their sons=talk about a rough holiday with family...