Happy birthday Shakespeare!
Front yard picnic with my son today. Totally delightful. I'm especially attached to this copy of Fantastic Mr Fox, which I bought at Shakespeare & Co in Paris 11 years ago.
Perfect palate cleanser: this fun, action-packed sci-fi novel (with a bit of romance), featuring a heroine who's Ripley crossed with Starbuck. Already have the rest of the series on hold at the library, since I want to find out what happens next.
Alllll the library holds! My intrepid husband headed out in the snow to pick these up for me. He's a dear.
Yes. (aka, my library has six holds for me but was unexpectedly closed and my husband suggested the comics shop)
Pretty great stack from a used bookstore today. I had 20 minutes, so I spent it in the poetry & drama section.
These poems were so good that as soon as I returned the book to the library I ordered my own copy.
Last week's reading--finally finished SPQR! Full reviews here: https://rosemaryandreadingglasses.com/2017/03/21/last-weeks-reading-march-12-18/
(March 12-18; posting late!)
"Our culture is foolish to keep science and poetry separated: they are two tools to open our eyes to the complexity and beauty of the world."
I loved this book about three astronauts who don't go to space but still leave people behind. Gorgeous. Full review here: https://rosemaryandreadingglasses.com/2017/03/16/recommended-reading-the-wandere...
A re-read for me, but the first time reading this edition; I read the original 8 or 10 years ago. Such a weird, gross-yet-fun book.
RIP Derek Walcott. I met him twice (sitting in on one of his classes for playwrights; a chance passing in the BU English Dept. building)--he was very gracious.
The library is updating and donating old books or sending them home with volunteers. I have mixed feelings about that (what out of print gems might disappear?), but couldn't resist bringing these home.
Volunteering at my son's elementary school library today--always fun to see what the kids are into.
Last week's reading (March 5-11). Loved all of these. Mini reviews here: https://rosemaryandreadingglasses.com/2017/03/14/last-weeks-reading-march-5-11/
So good. I'm pretty sure Louise Erdrich can do no wrong.
Last week's reading (Feb. 26-March 4). Plus one e-book, not pictured. As always, mini-reviews at Rosemary & Reading Glasses.
I ❤ visiting other people's bookshelves! These rainbow shelves, filled with #lgbtq history books, belong to my sisters-in-law. Sarah is the author of the book Queer, There, and Everywhere (LGBTQ history for teens) coming out (no pun intended) this May!
Oh dear. I'm at my desk in my (home) office, so the book closest to me is the CMS! 😂
Thanks @Liberty for the #funfridayphoto prompt!
Last week's reading (Feb. 19-25). Mini-reviews here: https://rosemaryandreadingglasses.com/2017/02/28/last-weeks-reading-february-19-...
As an object, this book is flawless (heavy paper, perfect font, gorgeous full-page photos). In other respects, I was disappointed. If you already know quite a bit about Fortuny & Morris, I think you'll enjoy this, but as someone without that background I thought the multi-part essay was too scattered. Writing is lovely as usual though.
Been looking for this pin, and today found it where I left it: attached to my winter coat's lapel.
Last week's reading (February 12-18). Mini reviews here: https://rosemaryandreadingglasses.com/2017/02/22/last-weeks-reading-february-12-...
The result of attempting to take a picture in the incredible sunshine this afternoon.
Also btw I am 60 pages in & have cried three times so . . .
Hanging out with the OED. You know, typical Saturday.
Late afternoon reading -- I know I'm late to the party on this one!
Since reading Elizabeth Bishop‘s poems as a teenager, I‘ve always enjoyed my encounters with her work, but felt the poet was inscrutable, always at arm‘s length, despite the fact that I live in the city where she was born and where she‘s buried. I don‘t feel that way anymore, thanks to Megan Marshall‘s Elizabeth Bishop: Miracle for Breakfast,* a smooth-reading, revelatory new biography of one of the twentieth century‘s best and most private poets.
Last week's reading, Feb. 5-11. Mini reviews here: https://rosemaryandreadingglasses.com/2017/02/15/last-weeks-reading-february-5-f...
Our Valentine's Day tradition is to watch sci-fi, and tonight I can't wait to see Arrival, based on "Story of Your Life" by Ted Chiang, included in this collection. Such a wide-ranging mind! The whole collection is recommended.
If you're looking for steamy poems, I've got some picks: https://rosemaryandreadingglasses.com/2017/02/11/bringing-sexy-back-to-valentine...
I cannot lie: I bought this book for the cover and it was a very good call (about 1/3 through and I am enchanted).
Happy Galentine's Day! Over on Rosemary & Reading Glasses you'll find 13 poems on female friendship: https://rosemaryandreadingglasses.com/2017/02/13/13-poems-celebrate-ladyfriends-... #poetry
Current nightstand stack.