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What Looks Like Crazy On an Ordinary Day
What Looks Like Crazy On an Ordinary Day | Pearl Cleage
9 posts | 25 read | 10 to read
When Ava Johnson discovers she is HIV positive, she journeys back to her sleepy northern Michigan hometown, where she manages to find new love
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I don't really read much fiction/lit but I picked this one up for the #Booked2022 prompt above. I loved this book!

Ava and her sister Joyce and Ava's boyfriend Eddie was an amazing cast of characters.
I found myself rooting for them despite of their circumstances. This book was a quick read but will definitely stick with me.

Also, this was my #BooksSpin for May.


Cinfhen Yay!!! I love when a challenge introduces you to a book you might not have read otherwise 💕🙌🏻💕🙌🏻 2y
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Nothing planned for today, so it's time for a book. Had to get this one from out of state and it's not my normal genre. However it fits a #booked2022 prompt.

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My #bookspin and #doublespin look interesting this month. .
Both are for #Booked2022.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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I love my couch too much. Chilling with “Crazy” for a while before heading to book club to discuss The Glass Castle. A nicely bookish kind of day!

celtichik Oh I loved this book! 6y
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This book has been on my shelves waiting its turn literally since I was in high school (and I‘m closer to my 20 year reunion than my 10 😬). This was a trade paperback I owned before I knew trade paperbacks had a special name. The LibraryThing randomizer smiled upon it (at long last) this weekend and now I‘m 50 pages in. Anybody else have a book that‘s been on their shelves such an embarrassingly long time?

MayJasper Not quite that long 😊 6y
bookishkai Yup. I have a nonfiction book about reporters in Vietnam purchased on a book crawl down Cape Cod with my college girlfriend. I haven‘t read it yet, but it has moved with me three times in RI, across the country to CO, and once in CO. It maintains a place on my priority bookshelf and I swear that I will finally read it THIS year every year. Said book has been on the shelf since 1997. 6y
LeafingThroughLife @bookishkris With that many moves, that book is an institution. You almost *can‘t* read it now. 😜 On an unrelated note, a Cape Cod book crawl sounds like something that I need in my life. 6y
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“...we danced too wild, and we sang too long, and we hugged too hard, and kissed too sweet...because...we were all old enough to know that what looks like ‘crazy‘ on an ordinary day looks a lot like ‘love‘ if you catch it in the moonlight.”

#QuotsyMarch18 #Ordinary

BookNerd9906 Love this book ❤️ 7y
TheBookgeekFrau @BookNerd9906 Me too! Still think about all these years later💕 (edited) 7y
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This book was given to me as a gift many years ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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