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Appointment | Herta Müller
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From the winner of the IMPAC Award and the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature, a fierce and devastating novel about a young woman's discovery of betrayal in the most intimate reaches of her life"I've been summoned. Thursday, ten sharp." Thus begins a day in the life of a young factory worker during Ceausescu's totalitarian regime. She has been questioned before; this time, she believes, will be worse. Her crime? Sewing notes into the linings of men's suits bound for Italy. "Marry me," the notes say, with her name and address. Anything to get out of Romania.As each tram stop brings the young woman closer to the appointment, her thoughts stray to her father and his infidelities; to her friend Lilli, shot trying to flee to Hungary; to her grandparents, deported after her own husband informed on them; and to Paul, her lover, her one source of trust despite his drunkenness. In her distraction, she misses her stop and finds herself on an unfamiliar street. And what she discovers there makes her fear of the interrogation pale by comparison.Bone-spare and intense, The Appointment powerfully renders the humiliating terrors of a crushing regime and its corrosive effects on family and friendship, sex and love.
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Appointment | Herta Müller
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This is a difficult one to describe. On its face, it‘s a woman on her way to a sinister appointment who is reminiscing on everything that brought her to this point. It is filled with absurdity, banality, humor (both dark and silly), and even love, but it is the, ever present, undercurrent of sadness and rage, that you know can pull you under at any point (and often does so sharply) that makes is so powerful and unforgettable.

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Ich gebe auf. Ich habe nach über einer Stunde auch immer noch nicht verstanden, wo genau in die Handlung spielen soll. Dass es um Rumänien geht, habe ich mir angelesen. Es hätte aber genauso gut auch die DDR sein können. Sprachlich gefällt mir das Buch gut. Ruhig, sachlich, manchmal sogar poetisch, aber da es bisher kaum nennenswerte Handlung gibt, ist mir das auf Dauer zu eintönig. Diesem Hörbuch begegne ich nicht wieder. ??â€â™€ï¸ Sorry.

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Eine kurze Info zum Inhalt: https://www.fischerverlage.de/buch/heute_waer_ich_mir_lieber_nicht_begegnet/9783...

Das Hörbuch ist bei einem meiner meist nächtlichen Streifzüge durch die Onleihe auf meinem Merkzettel gelandet.

Herta Müller kenne ich nur vom Namen, weil sie mal auf der Liste für den Deutschen Buchpreis stand. Mal sehen, wie ich mit dieser â€Hochliteratur“ zurecht komme.

(Uwe Tellkamps â€Der Turm“ war gar nichts für mich.)

The Appointment: A Novel | Herta Müller, Michael Hulse, Philip Boehm

For me there was too much present/past back and forth and the prose while smart and dense didn't click with me. Maybe if I read it under a different headspace. I didn't want to work that hard this time around.

The Appointment: A Novel | Herta Müller, Michael Hulse, Philip Boehm
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Partridge quote for the win today. 😂

The Appointment: A Novel | Herta Müller, Michael Hulse, Philip Boehm
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#Booksintranslation by women. Honestly, I have only read the tagged book. #readingwomenmonth

The Appointment: A Novel | Herta Müller, Michael Hulse, Philip Boehm
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#redspines on 2017 TBR. Thoughts on any of these? 📚🙌 #17rainbowbooks

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The Appointment: A Novel | Herta Müller, Michael Hulse, Philip Boehm
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Warm day

BooksTeasAndBookishThings Beautiful!!! 😠8y
Bookzombie Wow! Gorgeous view! 8y
cariashley Wow! Gorgeous. 8y
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The Appointment: A Novel | Herta Müller, Michael Hulse, Philip Boehm
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Can hear birds chirpingğŸ§ğŸ¤ğŸ¦... Good morning readers ✨

Lacythebookworm Such a beautiful morning â˜€ï¸ 8y
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The Appointment: A Novel | Herta Müller, Michael Hulse, Philip Boehm
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My 7th in September

The Appointment: A Novel | Herta Müller, Michael Hulse, Philip Boehm
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Marchpane Incredible view 🌲💕 8y
LeahBergen Is that a tea plantation? 8y
Annl Love your photos and book suggestions! 8y
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ReadinginBhutan @Annl thank you 😊 8y
ReadinginBhutan @LeahBergen no. That's rice :) 8y
LeahBergen It's beautiful! 8y
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