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A Sunday beer with Miss Read.

It should really be a sherry, but … 😆

merelybookish Mum's the word. 🤐🙂 1mo
BarbaraBB Love your glass! 1mo
Cathythoughts Im shocked. 😮 Joking 😂 What a great cover. ❤️ 1mo
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Tamra We make do. 😉 1mo
sarahbarnes Powells! 😍 1mo
Jess_Read_This Medicinal, I‘m sure. It‘s good for building up the blood. Or so I‘m told and what I tell myself. 😂 What a lovely way to spend an afternoon! 🍻📖 (edited) 1mo
LeahBergen @BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes I‘m feeling the urge to visit Powell‘s again now! 1mo
LeahBergen @Tamra Needs must. 😆 1mo
LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This Obviously. It‘s good for “the nerves”. 😉 1mo
sarahbarnes I haven‘t been there in forever, but I think about it often. 1mo
Centique This cover is so sweet! 1mo
LeahBergen @Centique I love the artist for this series. 🥰 1mo
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I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!


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A couple of my current vintage reads.

The Golden Collar (originally published in 1955 as The Smith‘s Hoard and then as Hidden Gold) is a children‘s holiday story. A brother and sister go to spend some time at their great aunt‘s house and end up finding an Iron Age hoard. I‘m always down for a good hoard!

Cathythoughts These look great Leah 👍🏻♥️ 3mo
lazydaizee Nice book covers. 3mo
jlhammar Both sound wonderful. Love those vintage covers. 3mo
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Tamra Sweet! 3mo
Ruthiella So pretty! 😍 And who doesn‘t like a story about finding hidden treasure? I was fascinated by archeology as a kid. (edited) 3mo
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts I‘m into very light reads of late. 😆 3mo
LeahBergen @Ruthiella I was, too! I would‘ve loved this one as a kid. 3mo
SayersLover Yay! Miss Read is so restful! @LeahBergen 3mo
LeahBergen @SayersLover Isn‘t she? 🥰 3mo
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Not my usual read. But I needed something light and fluffy and my #bookspin this month delivered. Cute cozy tale from a tiny English village with a good community and books.

Thrush Green | Miss Read
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I‘ve read quite a few (7 or 8?) of Miss Read‘s Fairacre novels but this is my first foray into the Thrush Green series. It‘s quiet and charming and I‘m enjoying it immensely!

squirrelbrain Oh I used to love the Miss Read books when I was younger! They had loads of them in our teeny tiny village library. 5mo
rubyslippersreads Believe it or not, I haven‘t read Miss Read. Your lovely copies are inspiring me, though. 5mo
Tamra So pretty. 😊 5mo
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TrishB Lovely ♥️ 5mo
Aimeesue Such lovely editions! 5mo
UwannaPublishme Beautiful photo and editions! 5mo
Cathythoughts Ah that‘s so nice 🥰 5mo
LeahBergen @squirrelbrain They‘re such gentle (non-stressful 😆) reads! 5mo
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads You‘ll have to try one soon! They‘re VERY light but enjoyable. 5mo
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Thrush Green | Miss Read
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#Pemberlittens this looks like something similar to Pym. #JaneAdjacent Read? @BarkingMadRead @StayCurious

rubyslippersreads I‘ve never read any Miss Read, but would love to. 7mo
LeahBergen I do love Miss Read but her novels are all much more simple and of the “cozy village life” sort than Pym. I‘m trying to say it without sounding snobbish or disparaging but Pym is way more “literary”. 😆 But I read and love them both! 7mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig @LeahBergen Love your explanation! 7mo
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In this slow paced, Maeve Binchy-esqe novel, 32 year old Jess has moved to a small village after the death of her grandmother, who was her guardian after Jess‘s parents died. We join Jess as she acclimates to village living, becomes the proprietor of the littlest library using her grandmother‘s beloved books, makes new friends and maybe finds love. I was expecting a little more and Jess irked me at some points, but a sweet story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 /5 ❤️📚

Before the Feast | Saša Stanišic
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Not as strong as Where You Come From, but also an extremely well written book. Tiny hints of great humor, at some points I had to laugh out loud while listening to the audio version read by the author himself. Connections between the past, the now and the people that live in the spaces between. Life on the country side where everything takes its time. Critics say there's no plot. They're right. But there's feeling, there's comfort. There's home.

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Starting this one next. I‘m such a sucker for books about books. I‘m a mood reader and am looking for quaint, quirky, sweet with some depth and feeling. I think this one will fit the bill perfectly! ❤️📚

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Nice cozy with interesting characters and enough twists and turns to keep me guessing.

#Roll100 @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Amazing! 10mo
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