#RRSciFiMonth Day 2 - First Scifi you read. I think this was mine? I loved these books so much.
#brucecoville #scifi
#RRSciFiMonth Day 2 - First Scifi you read. I think this was mine? I loved these books so much.
#brucecoville #scifi
Aliens Ate My Homework by Bruce Coville illustrated by Katherine Coville is SF. It is the first of the four books of Alien Adventure series . This is story about a boy named Rod. And aliens who are looking for a criminal .The story has suspense and fun . It can be good for 3rd -5th grade students . Good for LC ,GR, IR. #ucflae3414sp18
They made this into a movie. I don't think it's a good sign if it went direct to DVD.
Would this still hold up for kids today? I don't know, but it sure holds up for me.
I almost can't believe that a book I read as a child introduced me to the concept of gender beyond male or female. Bless you Bruce Coville.