#PoetryMatters #sunlight ...Sunlight will renew your pride .... a line of Joni Mitchell‘s that stays with me ( there are many ... brilliant songwriter/Poet that she is )
#PoetryMatters #sunlight ...Sunlight will renew your pride .... a line of Joni Mitchell‘s that stays with me ( there are many ... brilliant songwriter/Poet that she is )
#QuotsyMarch18 #constant
From Blue, Joni Mitchell
Just before our love got lost you said
I am as constant as a northern star and I said
Constantly in the darkness ,
Where‘s that at ?
If you want me Ill be in the bar
On the back of a cartoon coaster
In a blue TV screen light
I drew a map of Canada
Oh Canada
With your face sketched on it twice
Oh you are in my blood like holy wine .....❤️
#FierceFeb #polyesterbride I don‘t have polyester or bride. But I have a King dressed in drip-dry ( ? ) one of those lines I always remember....
I had a king dressed in drip-dry & paisley
Lately he‘s taken to saying I‘m crazy &
He lives in another time
I had a king in a salt rusted carriage
Who carried me off to his country for marriage too soon
Beware of the power of moons
I loved the words of Polyester Bride 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻