I love that this story talks about the civil rights movement. I think it would be a great history lesson and conversation starter about standing up for the things you believe in. I would read this to a 3rd or 4th grade class.
I love that this story talks about the civil rights movement. I think it would be a great history lesson and conversation starter about standing up for the things you believe in. I would read this to a 3rd or 4th grade class.
“Black and white together, like we belong”
“Clutching a protest sign in one hand and her game in the other, Audrey marched out the door”
This is a very child friendly book that has a lot of valuable information on civil rights. The illustrations help to show the emotion in the story.
This is a very informative text about Audrey Faye Hendricks who was a very young civil rights activist. This book talks in a language that seems more casual which is easier to read. It discusses segregation and racism. It is a very inspiring story and she‘s that even if you are young you can still take a stance and make a change.
The Youngest Marcher was written by Cynthia Levinson. This book shares the story of a nine-year-girl who listened to her preacher's words and decided to stand up and protest.
This book is great for a biography of Audrey Faye Hendricks and is great for kids to learn about the civil rights protest coming from another child.
5 🌟Until this book I never knew there was a children‘s march in Alabama for the Civil Rights Movement. When adults were too scared or set in their ways, the children did what was needed. They marched and they went to jail. Audrey Faye Hendricks was one of these marchers. She was the youngest one, and she spent a week in jail for even daring to ask to be treated like others. This wonderful story is amazing, and it should be taught in schools
This is a litsy find. My library has it and I have to get my own copy as get one for my niece. Thanks.
A story of bravery and courage, telling the story of the youngest marcher of the The Children‘s March of 1963.
“Barbecued robs, stewed greens, sweet potato soufflé, and Audrey‘s favorite—-hot rolls baptized in butter.”
I like the line ‘baptized in butter‘. I also liked the illustration of Audrey and her mom on this page.
(2017) I had never heard of the Children‘s March prior to this book so I really enjoyed reading about it and learning more. It is a well written book. This would be a good story for introducing specific history and social lessons in the classroom, as well as issues that still occur today.
this book had really beautiful and powerful illustrations. They used soft colors and lots of emotion.
“'I want to go to jail,' Audrey had told her mother.“
This was AMAZING. It would be perfect for a lesson about the civil rights movement. I also think this would be a great book to show children that no matter how old they are they can stand up for what they believe in.
The Youngest Marcher by Cynthia Levinson is a biography. It was published in 2017. This book is about Audrey Faye Hendrixs. She is the youngest person to be arrested for a civil rights protest. She was nine years old at the time. She lived in Alabama and was protesting segregation when she was arrested. She was put in jail for a week and was interrogated and intimidated by guards. Then she was released to her family.
#AyUpAugust Day 12: #TooMuchTooYoung - admirable fortitude indeed among young people. Fats‘ review: “When Audrey was arrested and sentenced to one week in juvenile hall, along with thousands of children marchers, she realized that being in jail was more difficult than she‘d initially thought.” See here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-hTm
Beautifully illustrated and I learned something. I wasn't familiar with the Children's March. ✌
Not a lot of books with my name or authors (I can only think of Audrey Niffenberger). But I came across this book at my local indie. Young Audrey was the youngest marcher at 9 years old, and served a week in jail fighting for desegregation in Alabama. #riotgrams