Another #HailTheBail #BookSpin. I tried to get into it, and at first, I thought it was great, but then there was just too much pseudo-Wiccan nonsense for me to suspend my disbelief. I probably would have been very into it in high school.
Another #HailTheBail #BookSpin. I tried to get into it, and at first, I thought it was great, but then there was just too much pseudo-Wiccan nonsense for me to suspend my disbelief. I probably would have been very into it in high school.
My #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin for April! I've enjoyed other books by both authors, so I don't think either will be DNFs. #COYER
Thank you Dawn!!! I could not love this #jolabokaflodswap package more!!! I am so happy with the book you chose! Jane Yolen is one of my life long favorite authors- and I love that this is a favorite book of yours- I‘m very excited to read it! Also I love your litsy tag 🤍
Chelle thank you for another amazing year of Jolabokaflod it really brings so much joy to me and I think many in the Litsy community ❄️💙❄️
Finished this on the drive to Grandma‘s house for Thanksgiving and I wish I‘d brought the second book with me as well! I love the world built here, the private women‘s communities with their strict traditions and secret magic, and I love the lyrical writing. Jenna is interesting but not terribly compelling as a character, but in the mythic scope of her story it makes sense.
I‘m more excited to reread my #bookspin for this month than I thought I would be! 🥰 And I have the sequels ready to go this time—I‘ve never read those.
I had trouble deciding how to rate this book. Honestly, if the book weren't so short, I wouldn't have finished it. The first half of the book really dragged. The second half was really quite good. I'm hoping that book two is consistent with the latter half of book one.
@thearomaofbooks #bookspinbingo
1/5⭐ I just could not get into this book. The many different sections (The Myth, The Legend, The Ballad, The History, etc) didn't add anything and just served as a constant distraction that kept me from engaging with the actual story. The story itself was so ponderous, the writing and characters distanced and difficult to break into. I liked the ideas, but the execution was all over the place and weak. #projectTBR #projectSAMS
"The priestess gave the line of girls a smile, but there was no warmth in that smile, only a formal lifting of the lips."
Describes my current feelings on this book. I recognize on the surface that it's got classic fantasy elements I should be enjoying, but beneath the surface I'm just not connecting. I think it's at least in part because of the distracting switching of sections (myth/story/song/etc). Hope it gets better. #projectTBR #projectSAMS