Yesterday I stepped outside and into a store to pick up something special.
Yesterday I stepped outside and into a store to pick up something special.
-Alice Walker, "Only Justice Can Stop a Curse"
Words Elon Musk and his self-appointed defenders need to hear.
"Voodoo has been misunderstood, mislabeled, and exploited. The very word inspires fear in some people and folly in others. Let the truth be known: it is a science of the oppressed, a repository of womanknowledge."
-Luisah Teish, "Women's Spirituality: A Household Act"
"In their attempts to separate the woman [Marie LaVeau] from her legend, [white] scholars have created wide discrepancies. One source says she was born in 1827 and another claims she killed a man in 1828. That makes her one hell of a toddler!"
-Luisah Teish, "Women's Spirituality: A Household Act"
I'm not, and never intend to be, a parent, but Raymina Y. Mays' short story, "Leroy's Birthday," still fucking destroyed me. ???
"Very few authors can claim the ability to depict madness as logical, lucid, orderly thoughts in one's mind. Madness is never just madness. It is a way of coping when *sanity* will no longer do. Shadrack's, Pecola's, and Hagar's madness are logical choices for their realities."
-Renita Weems, "Artists Without Art Form: A Look at One Black Woman's World of Unrevered Black Women"
-Renita Weems, "Artists Without Art Form: A Look at One Black Woman's World of Unrevered Black Women"
"(Of course, almost any aspiration instilled by western civilization is to oppressor status: success for example.)"
-Michelle Cliff, "If I Could Write This in Fire I Would Write This in Fire"
-Michelle Cliff, "If I Could Write This in Fire I Would Write This in Fire"