Establishes an unexpectedly charming parallel of worlds
A fantastic novel, making a statement about the seemingly inevitable presence of violence in religious communities where one religion aims to dominate. Here, the repercussions of sectarian violence from the 90s still felt in today‘s Northern Ireland is viewed alongside the “world‘s newest religion” on an island off the coast of Papua New Guinea where missionaries have attempted to convert inhabitants for 40 years. Continued in comments...
Abandoned just shy of the 70% mark, with a couple hundred pages left to go. It wasn't awful, but not good enough. At best, this was going to end up being a three-star read for me and life is too short to waste my time on anything that mediocre.
I am doing this as an audio/text combo and the first chapter has sucked me right in. But I find it fascinating that this brand new novel has two audio versions available: the one on Audible is narrated by Deirdre O'Connell in a gorgeous, thick Irish accent, and the one offered by Penguin Random House Audio is narrated by Sarah-Jane Drummey in a barely perceptible Irish accent. Naturally, I went for the former version but I am curious about...
I just walked in and am in love with Books & Books in Miami, FL. #GetIndie
One sister goes off in pursuit of a story: the newest religion, a woman-led cargo cult in Papua New Guinea, while the other sister navigates relationships in post-troubles Ireland. I love anthropology novels and this has some elements of those, but is also about relationships. #LitsyPartyofOne @Ambrosnazzy
My husband went to get dinner in the rain and my dogs will sit and wait until he comes back so it seemed like a good time to dig through my backlog of eARCs already on my Kindle. This one looks to end up in Papua New Guinea but 20% in the characters and their back stories are still being introduced (not a complaint just an observation that this may be more about the people than the events.) #dogsoflitsy #LitsyPartyofOne