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Rhett Butler's People
Rhett Butler's People | Donald McCaig
Fully authorized by the Margaret Mitchell estate, Rhett Butler's People is the astonishing and long-awaited novel that parallels the Great American Novel, Gone With The Wind. Twelve years in the making, the publication of Rhett Butler's People marks a major and historic cultural event. Through the storytelling mastery of award-winning writer Donald McCaig, the life and times of the dashing Rhett Butler unfolds. Through Rhett's eyes we meet the people who shaped his larger than life personality as it sprang from Margaret Mitchell's unforgettable pages: Langston Butler, Rhett's unyielding father; Rosemary his steadfast sister; Tunis Bonneau, Rhett's best friend and a onetime slave; Belle Watling, the woman for whom Rhett cared long before he met Scarlett O'Hara at Twelve Oaks Plantation, on the fateful eve of the Civil War. Of course there is Scarlett. Katie Scarlett O'Hara, the headstrong, passionate woman whose life is inextricably entwined with Rhett's: more like him than she cares to admit; more in love with him than she'll ever know... Brought to vivid and authentic life by the hand of a master, Rhett Butler's People fulfills the dreams of those whose imaginations have been indelibly marked by Gone With The Wind.
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Rhett Butler's People | Donald McCaig
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First finish of the year…

I need to stop reading prequels, sequels or any other quels for GWTW. They just don‘t measure up…

I am giving this a so-so instead of a pan for the allusions to the original work, but it is a slim so-so. At least it‘s off my TBR now and hopefully the used book store will give me a $1.00 for it.

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Rhett Butler's People | Donald McCaig
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Look what came in today!!!!!!

Rhett Butler's People | Donald McCaig
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1. Small town. 🏘
2. Rock! I like old-school country music, though. 🎸
3. Thriller. 😱
4. Um, no thank you! 😬🍍🍕🚫
5. Very tough choice but I'm gonna have to go with Rhett, he's so sexy!! 😍😍😍


Rhett Butler's People | Donald McCaig
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He terminado otro libro.
Reth Butler de Donald McCaig
Me llevo mas tiempo de lo normal, por que lo abandone un lapso para poder viajar!
Se me hizo un poco pesado el tema de la guerra!! Esta bien ambientada en tiempo y espacio, no tengo los otros dos libros para comparar si hay algún error, pero el autor tiene permiso de la familia de la autora de Lo que el viento se lleve, así que https://www.instagram.com/p/BcKwX_Kgzt-/

Rhett Butler's People | Donald McCaig
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Atractivo, rebelde, seductor, indómito. Casi un caballero.. Gracias a la maestría narrativa de Donald McCaig entramos en la vida y la época del renegado y fascinante Rhett Butler, que en esta ocasión es protagonista indiscutible. Su infancia en la plantación, la rebeldía que me lleva a ser desheredado por su padre, el inflexible Langston Butler, y luego expulsado de la academia West Point, los orígenes de su relación con Madame Belle...

Rhett Butler's People | Donald McCaig
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I only know that I love you.
But your people… they are boring.

rubyslippersreads I didn't like this either. 7y
RestingBodiceFace @rubyslippersreads - I'm glad that it wasn't just me, knowing that Gone With The Wind is one of your favorites. I really wanted to like this. 7y
SilversReviews Ruth's Journey wasn't that good either. It was also a sequel to Gone With The Wind. 7y
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Rhett Butler's People | Donald McCaig
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Has anyone read this? I love Gone With the Wind. Scarlett disappointed me.... and I don't want to read another disappointing attempt at a sequel.

ReadingSusan It's not that great. 7y
Literaryunicorn Thanks for the feedback @ReadingSusan ! 7y
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