I'm more than delighted that you've invited a token woman to give the Hagey lectures this year, and though you might have chosen one more respectable than myself, I realize that the supply is limited. (From "Writing the Male Character")
I'm more than delighted that you've invited a token woman to give the Hagey lectures this year, and though you might have chosen one more respectable than myself, I realize that the supply is limited. (From "Writing the Male Character")
The goals of the feminist movement have not been achieved, and those who claim we're living in a post-feminist era are either sadly mistaken or tired of thinking about the whole subject. (From the introduction to "The Edible Woman")
If we cease to judge this world, we may find ourselves, very quickly, in one which is infinitely worse. (From the speech "Witches")
The difference between witch-hunting and more conventional forms of justice and punishment is that in the latter you're supposedly being punished for what you've done, but in the former it's enough to be who you are. (From the speech "Witches")
A man who is good at it is a craftsman. A woman who is good at it is a dubious proposition. [...] When a man is attacked in print, it is usually for what he says; when a woman is attacked in print, it's often for being who she is. (From the speech "Witches")
Edgar's scruffy little self is keeping me company while I reorganize my bookshelves today. 🐾
I began as a profoundly apolitical writer, but then I began to do what all novelists and some poets do: I began to describe the world around me. (From the introduction)