Am I the only one anxious because today is June 16, and I still haven't received my #secretsantagoespostal package? I'm starting to worry. @BookishMarginalia #summersolsticebookexchange @BooksTeasAndBookishThings
Am I the only one anxious because today is June 16, and I still haven't received my #secretsantagoespostal package? I'm starting to worry. @BookishMarginalia #summersolsticebookexchange @BooksTeasAndBookishThings
I absolutely can't wait until my secret summer santa gift arrives! I love getting mail 😊
I've officially lost access to my previous mailbox because they've rented the apartment and now I'm scared that whatever mail was delivered will be lost forever since the mail forwarding hasn't seemed to kick in yet. I already know I have one thing that's there that I can't get to. 😭 And I know it's still early, but what if my #summersantagoespostal package is in there? I'm now only imagining worst case scenario because hi, anxiety. 👋🏻
Anxious. What I am feeling after I picked up my holds today. Must. Read. Faster.