Ahh I thought this was the end of East Blue, but there is one more and I don‘t know where my husband put it. Anyway, this is just pure manic chaotic fight scenes and snappy banter. Fun times! 4⭐️ #mangamarch #shonen
Ahh I thought this was the end of East Blue, but there is one more and I don‘t know where my husband put it. Anyway, this is just pure manic chaotic fight scenes and snappy banter. Fun times! 4⭐️ #mangamarch #shonen
Luffy battles Arlong to free Nami and her village from Fish Men's long and terrifying rule. Luffy breaking up the room where Nami was kept for years us so powerful to see on page #manga
I have a job! Finally! But it happened so fast that I am basically now scrambling to read all the books I checked out last week. How do people read and work full time? I've always had jobs that were either easy to find time to read or part time. 😴