Finished in bed last night. Good read- didn‘t guess murderer and lots of shenanigans going on in the background.
Finished in bed last night. Good read- didn‘t guess murderer and lots of shenanigans going on in the background.
This series... it‘s quickly moving up to my top 5 favorite. I‘m a series gal so I‘ve dipped my toes into quite a few. Kay Hunter has instincts, is cool and collected, and has a lovable personality. I would give it 🌟🌟🌟🌟✨ out of 5. Loved it! 💕 book 1 finished for #nutsinmay
Chemo cycle 2. I‘m spending the day hooked up to machines and hanging out with DS Kay Hunter! 🤓📖
💃 Seriously happy danced! I will be disappearing in to Kay Hunter‘s world once I‘m finished hanging out with Maeve Kerrigan.
Thank you so so so much @RachelAmphlett 💕💕💕 I‘m so excited for these two books!
My series friends, make sure to check this one out. Quick reads with awesome plots! You won‘t regret it!