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La passione di Artemisia
La passione di Artemisia | Susan Vreeland
il 14 maggio 1612 quando mezza Roma accorre nelle sinistre aule dellInquisizione per latteso giorno del giudizio sulla denunzia che il padre di Artemisia Gentileschi, giovane e brillante artista, ha sporto presso il papa Paolo V. Nellumida e scura di Tor di Nona, le parole di Orazio Gentileschi rimbombano nella mente di ognuno: Agostino Tassi ha deflorato mia figlia Artemisia e lha forzata a ripetuti atti carnali, dannosi anche per me, Orazio Gentileschi, pittore e cittadino di Roma, povero querelante, tanto che non ho potuto ricavare il giusto guadagno dal suo talento di pittrice. Ambientato negli splendidi scenari della Firenze, Roma e Napoli seicentesche, popolato di personaggi storici come Cosimo de Medici e Galileo, La passione di Artemisia narra della straordinaria avventura della prima pittrice celebrata e riconosciuta nella storia dellarte: Aartemisia Gentileschi, la donna che, in un mondo ostile alle donne, riusc a imporre la sua arte e a difendere strenuamente la sua visione dellamore e della vita.
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The Passion of Artemisia | Susan Vreeland
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The life of Artemisia Gentileschi, the first woman accepted into the Accademia dell‘ Arte in Florence.

What a lush novel! The way Vreeland paints a beautiful scene, and an unflinching portrait of a passionate and ambitious and flawed woman. Also loved the attention paid to Artemisia‘s process and artwork. I definitely had to look up every single painting as I read. Will be seeking out more of Vreeland‘s work! 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

BookmarkTavern The first three chapters deal with the aftermath of Artemisia‘s rape by her painting instructor, her public trial, and the torture she endured for her testimony 8mo
TheSpineView Great job! 8mo
dabbe 🖤🎃🖤 8mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 8mo
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The Passion of Artemisia | Susan Vreeland
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Not bad for my book club‘s pick. A historical novel about the life of Baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi after of her rape. The featured artworks and Italian setting were lovely, the story itself maybe a bit overdone. Especially in the effort to make a point how passionate Artemisia was about her art. But the bar has been low for my book club, and this at least kept my attention.

La passione di Artemisia | Susan Vreeland
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Starting this beauty today 🎨📖
#currentlyreading #myquarantinediary

The Passion of Artemisia | Susan Vreeland
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The Passion of Artemisia | Susan Vreeland
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I love historical fiction, so when I found this ART historical fiction for only a dollar, I was all about it!

The Passion of Artemisia | Susan Vreeland
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In flight reading 📖✈️

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The Passion of Artemisia | Susan Vreeland

Genuinely one of the best books I have ever read. Vreeland's writing manages to be enchanting while simplistic, creating tangible characters and a view of Italy unlike any other I've seen.
10/10, recommend to any and all art lovers!

Passion of Artemisia | Susan Vreeland
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thank you @Jody3 for all the great books and candy (most of which i‘ve already sampled)! its like a big envelope of happiness 😁 some of the titles i recognize but surprisingly i haven‘t read any of them and i can‘t wait to get started :) thanks again - hope you have a fun Halloween! thanks also again to @BookishMarginalia for organizing 🎃🎃🎃 #halloweengoespostal

emilyhaldi Awesome!! 🖤 7y
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The Passion of Artemisia | Susan Vreeland
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This book is a really powerful book! It was one of the books I read in my Women's Studies lit courses at university. If you are interested in women's studies or feminist lit in general, this book is so amazing. It will enrage you, even as it is showing you the power of this talented female artist. This is a fictional account of Artemisia Gentileschi's life. It's on sale today for $1.99! 💗

slategreyskies I should add, this book does have graphic scenes in it and would almost definitely be a trigger for those who need to avoid sexual abuse/rape. 7y
Emiller Such a good book 7y
slategreyskies @Emiller yes, I think so too. It is one of a handful of books that I've read multiple times. 💗 7y
Loretta Loved this when I read it... like 12 years ago??? Time flies! 7y
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Passion of Artemisia | Susan Vreeland
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#seasonsreadings2016 reminded me of the stretch where all I wanted was to read historical fiction based on paintings. Perfect for #artrelatedbooks!


slategreyskies The Passion of Artemesia is one of my favorite books. It's tragic and haunting. 8y
JDHawkins @slategreyskies It's been quite some time since I read it but I remember liking it a lot. 8y
mjdowens Oh I need this book soon. I read Girl With A Pearl Earring and was enthralled. This one sounds even better 8y
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