“It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.” #building #QuotsySept20
Forget about the nuclear disasters, asteriod collisions, A tiny virus can create havoc in this world. After completing this book I really feel our earth is a lonely speck in the cosmic dark.let us be kind to one another and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we have ever known.
Heads up, nerds! Today Science Friday ran their interview with Carl Sagan from Dec 16, 1994. He talked about many of his books, including Contact which was being adapted for the movie at the time.
Here‘s the link is y‘all are interested: https://www.sciencefriday.com/segments/looking-back-at-the-pale-blue-dot/
“Perhaps the records will never be intercepted. Perhaps no one in five billion years will ever come upon them. Five billion years is a long time. In five billion years, all human beings will have become extinct or evolved into other beings, none of our artifacts will have survived on Earth, the continents will have become unrecognizably altered or destroyed, (cont. in comments)
This can be interpreted in very different ways. Some might think if they have no #impact on the Universe anything they do is pointless, but I don't see it that way. To me it's a reminder to look at the big picture & gain perspective; to look past our differences; to consider the whole wide world that exists outside each of our tiny parts of it. We may be nothing to the Universe but our actions matter to each other & to Earth itself. #QuotsyNov18
Not sure which book the quote is from , but it‘s definitely from Carl Sagan.
What a beautiful audiobook. It‘s impossible to listen to Carl Sagan‘s words without being captivated by his infectious spirit. He reminds me that we‘re more than our small petty differences. The audiobook is amazing. The first few chapters are recovered from Carl‘s recordings but his wife Ann does most of the narration. Her emotions come pouring through the words. Such a wonderful, wonderful experience.
Sagan‘s Pale Blue Dot quote is so magical when heard in his voice. This will always be one of my favorite nonfiction books. I find something comforting when I remember how small we really are.
"Somewhere, something #incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan ?
The airbags in my car had a recall on them so I‘m spending part of my Saturday at the car dealership. I didn‘t even mind because it meant at least an hour of quality reading time.
“Apart from a thin film of life at the very surface of the Earth, an occasional intrepid spacecraft, and some radio #static, our impact on the Universe is nil. It knows nothing of us.” #QuotsyJan18
While birthday gifting my brother with my favorite book Pale Blue Dot, I noticed it's publication date is on my birthday!!!!! Granted, 9 years later but it still feels like a victory for me somehow
Waiting for bookcases
I liked the bit at the end where humans become quasi-Time Lords moving planets out of danger and zipping around the universe devil-may-care, but everything before that was varying degrees of meh. I want to love Carl Sagan but I just can't get there. Sorry, science-hipsters.