It was great. I loved the connection between spirituality and mental illness/wellness.
It was great. I loved the connection between spirituality and mental illness/wellness.
I liked Lucado's writing style, his philosophy feels solid, and the study guide in the back was intensive. There wasn't much insight into anxiety as a clinical disorder, but he did cover many emotional roots of day-to-day anxiety, and this is a valuable read for if the world sets your teeth on edge.
Anxiety is needless, because Jesus is near.
Today, I will live today. Yesterday has passed. Tomorrow is not yet. I‘m left with today. So, today, I will live today. Relive yesterday? No. I will learn from it. I will seek mercy for it. I will take joy in it. But I won‘t live in it. The sun has set on yesterday. The sun has yet to rise on tomorrow. Worry about the future? To what gain? It deserves a glance, nothing more. I can‘t change tomorrow until tomorrow. Today, I will live today.
You cannot control the circumstances, but you can always control what you think of them.
Our goal is not to bear fruit. Our goal is to stay attached.
You might change the quality of your days but not the quantity.
The good life begins, not when circumstances change, but when our attitude toward them does.
The widest river in the world is not the Mississippi, Amazon, or Nile. The widest river on earth is a body of water called If Only.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul
Guilt frenzies the soul. Grace calms it
Perceived control creates calm. Lack of control gives birth to fear
If only our storms were limited to wind and rain. Our tempests consist of the big Ds of life: difficulties, divorce, disease, and death. Does anybody know where to find a shelter that is suitable for these gales?
The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional.
Anxiety and fear are cousins but not twins. Fear sees a threat. Anxiety imagines one.
There‘s trouble out there! So you don‘t sleep well. You don‘t laugh often. You don‘t enjoy the sun. You don‘t whistle as you walk. And when others do, you give them a look. That look. That “are you naive” look.
It‘s not the sight of a grizzly but the suspicion of one or two or ten. Behind every tree. Beyond every turn. Inevitable. It‘s just a matter of time until the grizzly leaps out of the shadows, bares its fangs, and gobbles you up, along with your family, your friends, your bank account, your pets, and your country.
It‘s not so much a storm as the certainty that one is coming. Always . . . coming. Sunny days are just an interlude. You can‘t relax. Can‘t let your guard down. All peace is temporary, short-term.
It‘s a low-grade fear. An edginess, a dread. A cold wind that won‘t stop howling.
Beautiful words of finding calm instead of anxiety. Filled with scripture and stories to illustrate points. #maxlucado #anxiousfornothing
This is my #junetbr. I also have a few books on hold at the library which I should be getting in June.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1. Read. Read. And read some more !
2. Tagged
3. Monterey, CA or Charleston, SC
4. Gorilla... it might be fun to train them sign language 😀
5. It says 62 F but it's gloomy and rainy
Great book for people with anxiety! I read this through the library but I want to buy it and use the discussion questions at the end as journal prompts. 🥇✝️