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Gray Wolf Throne
Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
Han Alister thought he had already lost everyone he loved. But when he finds his friend Rebecca Morley near death in the Spirit Mountains, Han knows that nothing matters more than saving her. The costs of his efforts are steep, but nothing can prepare him for what he soon discovers: the beautiful, mysterious girl he knew as Rebecca is none other than Raisa ana'Marianna, heir to the Queendom of the Fells. Han is hurt and betrayed. He knows he has no future with a blueblood. And, as far as he's concerned, the princess's family as good as killed his own mother and sister. But if Han is to fulfill his end of an old bargain, he must do everything in his power to see Raisa crowned queen. Meanwhile, some people will stop at nothing to prevent Raisa from ascending. With each attempt on her life, she wonders how long it will be before her enemies succeed. Her heart tells her that the thief-turned-wizard Han Alister can be trusted. She wants to believe it-he's saved her life more than once. But with danger coming at her from every direction, Raisa can only rely on her wits and her iron-hard will to survive-and even that might not be enough. The Gray Wolf Throne is an epic tale of fierce loyalty, unbearable sacrifice, and the heartless hand of fate.
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The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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It was a little bit difficult to get into the third book of this series; I had to put it down and come back to it but once I got a bit further in, it was an excellent book!
I just wish that Raisa would stop playing around with other men/suitors, and be with Han.

The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I‘ve been waiting for this series to hit its stride, and it did in this book! I enjoyed having the main characters together, the tension that has built between them, all the secrets the authors has managed to hide/reveal/keep hidden, all the ways different characters cross paths, and all the intrigue that is brought by being back at court. I'm glad I stuck with this series through its slower start, & I can't wait to read the final book!

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The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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SO MUCH IS HAPPENING. AAAAAAH. Han has really grown on me but I still love Amon. I'm nervous and excited for the final book.

The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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Persephone‘s mad I‘m immersed in my book and not her.

Carolyn11215 Gotta love Tortietude!! 5y
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The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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I‘ve been pretty bad at reading on my lunches lately instead of wasting them staring at a wall. 😳

The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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This series just gets better and better as I read. I absolutely devoured the third book and I‘m so glad I have the fourth, and last, at my finger tips. #sevenrealmsseries

The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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Yesterday was my birthday so I treated myself to some books and Funkos! I love the Saga ones, I already have a special edition Prince Robot. Also pictured is on of my fav video games, Dragon Age: Origins. I‘m got lucky and found a used copy since I‘m moving everything over to my Xbox from my PC. #bookhaul

The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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Book haul from Books & Co! Got some awesome deals and picked up a couple out of my comfort zone. #booksandco #ya #youngadult #contemporary

ElishaLovesBooks I just bought One True Loves too! I‘ve heard good things! 6y
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The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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The food is great but this cafe is playing awful 2012 radio music...

MinDea That looks yummy! 7y
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The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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I've been working too much 🌝

Rachbb3 Time for some YOU time! 😊🍷 7y
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The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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Cookies, coffee, and a good book! This series is so good!

The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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Saturday, and sick in bed? The perfect day to make more progress on these, and finish them before the weekend ends. 😷☺️

Balibee146 Hope you feel better soon... Xx 7y
UwannaPublishme Feel better! Reading is the best cure. 🤗🌷 7y
cobwebmoth Feel better soon! 7y
LeahBergen Blergh. Feel better soon! 7y
JPeterson @Balibee146 @UwannaPublishme @cobwebmoth @LeahBergen Thanks, all! I'm feeling much better...plus, managed to finish two of those three books yesterday. 😊 7y
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