#NewberyEpicChallenge books for December!
📚Shadow of a Bull by Maia Wojciechowska
📚The Grey King by Susan Cooper
Happy Holidays!
#NewberyEpicChallenge books for December!
📚Shadow of a Bull by Maia Wojciechowska
📚The Grey King by Susan Cooper
Happy Holidays!
Day 26: #diverseread #auldlangreads Loved learning about the culture of Spanish bullfighting! So interesting!
Like most people of Andalusia, the people of Arcangel are poor. But they are too proud to quarrel with their fate. Instead they make war against sadness with songs and dances, with laughter, and with joy at just being alive.
Listening to an audiobook while playing outside with my favorite #readathon distraction. @DeweysReadathon
Manolo Olivar is expected to follow in his father's footsteps which is a lot of pressure to put on a boy. Especially since his father was a renowned bullfighter who stepped into the ring without any training and came by it naturally.
Manolo can't tell anyone this, but he is afraid. He does not want to bring death. He is not sure what he wants to do, but he knows he doesn't have the calling. What will he do?
Starting this one to try to keep up with my kids taking the Newbery challenge.