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By a Charm and a Curse
By a Charm and a Curse | Jaime Questell
10 posts | 11 read | 28 to read
A kiss is never just a kiss. Le Grands Carnival Fantastic isnt like other traveling circuses. Its bound by a charm, held together by a centuries-old curse, that protects its members from ever growing older or getting hurt. Emmaline King is drawn to the circus like a moth to a flame...and unwittingly recruited into its folds by a mysterious teen boy whose kiss is as cold as ice. Forced to travel through Texas as the new Girl in the Box, Emmaline is completely trapped. Breaking the curse seems like her only chance at freedom, but with no curse, theres no charm, eitherdooming everyone who calls the Carnival Fantastic home. Including the boy shes afraid shes falling for. Everythingincluding his lifecould end with just one kiss.
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By a Charm and a Curse | Jaime Questell
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When your book buddy co-worker messages you and offers a copy of a book she thinks you'll like 💁🏻

Best co- worker EVER !! #YA #BookBuddies

sammisho Love co workers like that! 6y
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By a Charm and a Curse | Jaime Questell
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Not impressed. Much of it seemed forced and overdramatic. A solid idea plagued by a jagged and undeveloped execution.

By a Charm and a Curse | Jaime Questell
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This wasn‘t perfect. The dialogue could have been sharper, and it might perhaps have been slightly more atmospheric. But out of 4 books promising a dark magical read, this is the only one that delivered so I‘m rating it higher than say, The Wicked Deep, even if TWD was more atmospheric and had better writing.

Good characterization and plot-development, pretty good world-building. That cover is a winner, too.

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By a Charm and a Curse | Jaime Questell
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Wasn‘t completely satisfied by my last witchy read, but as luck would have it, today I got a belated pre-order, so I‘m starting this lovely!!

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By a Charm and a Curse | Jaime Questell
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This was amazing. I loved this. I loved the fantasy, the pure love, the magic, everything. 5/5.

By a Charm and a Curse | Jaime Questell
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#bookhaul came in from the Barnes 3 for $30 teen book sale #booklove

Not pictured: Shadowsong which arrived last week separately. 😊

TheLibrarian Great haul! This is one of my favorite sales but I‘m super low on money and I am trying not to buy books. 😭 6y
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By a Charm and a Curse | Jaime Questell
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Another book out Tuesday. This looks fun. The pick against the black is eye catching. I wonder if they will keep the entire thing matte or I'd it will be part matte part glossy?

#CoverLove #YAedition

ladym30 This one looks very interesting. 6y
LibrarianRyan @ladym30 agree👍🏻😁 6y
mjdowens @SassenachTheBookWizard This one may be right up your alley. 6y
YABookShelf @ladym30 and @LibrarianRyan I loved it - hope you do, too when you have a chance to read it! ☺️ 6y
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By a Charm and a Curse | Jaime Questell
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This novel was absolutely fantastic! I wasn‘t sure what to expect, but I was blown away. The presentation was phenomenal and the premise was so interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed the world and the characters presented!

Review copy received thru NetGalley, thanks to Entangled Teen.

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By a Charm and a Curse | Jaime Questell
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I‘m about 50% through BY A CHARM AND A CURSE, and it‘s so spectacularly interesting. The characters are great and the premise is wonderful.

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By a Charm and a Curse | Jaime Questell
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A young girl goes to a carnival, and ends not just cursed, but one of their newest additions. I loved the world that the author created. It‘s a little Cirque du Freak in a great way. You‘ll immediately fall in love with Benjamin and Emma. Questell builds real tension here. A great debut novel.

Elisa Wow, this sounds great!! Adding it to my TBR 🙂 7y
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