First sleepless night in a while. Thank God I have my girls to keep me company 🤩🤩🤩 please ignore what the closed caption says lol
First sleepless night in a while. Thank God I have my girls to keep me company 🤩🤩🤩 please ignore what the closed caption says lol
Because I really had nothing better to do, I made my boyfriend, Blaise, a PowerPuff Girl too. I mean, why wouldn‘t I? And he‘s so cute!! #powerpuffyourself
Joining in! #powerpuffyourself
I love these character makers. I could waste hours doing them. This one is a pretty good representation I think. #lotsofcoffee #comfyclothes
Because I LOVED this show (and Bubbles was totally my favorite), I had to #PowerpuffYourself!
Check it out: https://powerpuffyourself.com
Happy Reading Friday, friends!
I just had to! #powerpuffyourself if only I could have a unicorn and be this adorable!!
Now everyone is doing #PowerpuffYourself so of course I have to join in!
If you want to join in the fun, here's the link: https://powerpuffyourself.com
❤️❤️❤️ #powerpuffyourself Seriously if anybody finds any more of these cute little character makers, I need them all. It makes me miss making those little candybar dolls like 10+ years ago! Does anybody else remember those?!
Just had to see what I‘d look like! Not bad, CN! 😂https://powerpuffyourself.com
I used to love this show and even had a Powerpuff Girls comforter on my bed as a kid. So I couldn't resist joining in on the #PowerpuffYourself tag.
Making these cute characters is becoming addictive! #powerpuffyourself
Resistance is futile (and it resembles me much more than the Funko did)
I 💙 the Powerpuff Girls! Here‘s mine, complete with a fur coat 🧥 🤗 #powerpuffyourself #powerpuffgirls
Had to. Thanks for sharing, @Mimi28. https://powerpuffyourself.com
My #powerpuff mini-me. powerpuffyourself.com #powerpuffed #powerpuffyourself
I should confess....I‘ve never seen PowerPuff Girls or really know much of anything about them. 🤫
#powerpuffed www.powerpuffyourself.com