A odd but intriguing book. Read for the April #Buzzwordathon - April is Space words 3.5/5
A odd but intriguing book. Read for the April #Buzzwordathon - April is Space words 3.5/5
How do people and the world change when it‘s discovered there is another planet out there with intelligent life.
I really liked this story of a mirror planet to earth. Aditi Khorana is a very in detail story teller. I have enjoyed reading two of her books...
Happy Recommendsday! I pulled this recommendation straight from my sci-fi display. Tara is an average high schooler with an average life until NASA discovers a message from an alternate Earth where there's another version of Tara. This is a great intro to sci-fi and contemporary mixture with sciencey, alternate world speculation and normal family/friendship drama. #teenlibrarian #recommendsday
My husband worked a morning shift and the baby spent the day with his grandma, so I had the house to myself. There's a long list of things I should have done... but then I picked up a book...
Loved this YA book. My library has it tagged as sci fi but it is light on that. Most of the book deals with the way Tara and her friends and family deal with the discovery of a planet much like Earth and the communication they receive from it. I enjoyed the storylines that dealt with love, friendship, and trying to fit in as this group of teenagers were confronted with something that could change life as they knew it.
This book took me wayyyyy longer than it should have, so I'm foregoing my nap to make a dent in my reading! #24in48
What I love about this book is that even though the premise (that we find a planet like earth complete with doubles of people on earth) is science fiction the book deals entirely with the psychological consequences of this discovery even though contact with the aliens is never established. Just the idea that this other planet is out there changes how characters interact and makes them revaluate their lives in a fascinating way.
I have conflicting feelings about this book. I liked it but it was different than what I expected. It reminded me a lot about a movie called Another Earth except in this story we follow a 16 yr old Indian girl who is trying to find herself while feeling like she doesn't belong. This book was about how a discovery of a planet eerily similar to our own and how that discovery affected everyone in their lives. Very interesting read. I give it 🌎🌎🌎.
Has anyone seen the movie Another Earth? I'm on page 17 of this book and it's pretty similar. If you haven't seen that movie I highly recommend it. It's really good.
I always carry more than one book mark with me because I don't like highlighting quotes when I see them. And if I have more than one quote I like I use gum wrappers lol.
I always carry more than one book mark with me because I don't like highlighting quotes when I see them. And if I have more than one quote I like I use gum wrappers lol.
I wanted to like this novel, about a half-Indian teenager who doesn't fit in, & finds her life changed after NASA discovers intelligent alien life, more than I did. There's great stuff about not fitting in, as well as deep meaning-of-life type stuff, but the threads don't come together well enough.
This is a book that snuck up on me and walloped me over the head. Khorana especially nails the tenuous, nuanced relationship between the high school girl characters and I found my sympathies and loyalties shifting throughout. I'm still thinking about it weeks later.