I'm not crying, I swear, but these two are killing me
OMG I am feeling this quote SO HARD! I have a feeling THIS is the heart of what sector one is all about and I am so going to love this series!
This is ACTUALLY from Ashwin, which I got off netgalley, but that's not on litsy yet.
#romantsy #arc #netgalley #gideonsriders #ashwin
I❤ the Beyond series. This was not my favorite because the character development wasn't really there. I think if I had reread the previous books more recently that issue would have been solved. That said, I will be purchasing the last of the books in the series this week. Can't wait. #romantsy
Yes, I know I'm a book behind, but I'm SO EXCITED about this book! Shit's finally going down between Eden and the Sectors that's been building for...5 books now? It's going to be great AND there'll be orgies. What more could you want? 💁🏻