I picked this up because I love the cover and the fairytale type story. I‘m not far in, but already the setting is so perfect for magic and mystery.
I picked this up because I love the cover and the fairytale type story. I‘m not far in, but already the setting is so perfect for magic and mystery.
Uncle Rick‘s back making me feel all the things. This time about Fred Rogers
New book! And oh my god I love this cover. It‘s absolutely gorgeous and an ace main character? Yes please!
Time for book 2! I really enjoyed the first and finally got this at the library. These covers are absolutely beautiful and I cannot wait to dive inside and find out what‘s happening with Khalid and Shahrzad
I‘ve read this book, multiple times. Each time I read it, I understood a bit more and I‘m hoping this read won‘t be any different.
Darcy is literally dreaming of Elizabeth and I‘m in heaven.
Oh Darcy, how I love you. I‘m so excited and ready to read this. #JaneAusten #PrideandPrejudice #Darcy
I am in love with these stories. Leigh Bardugo has a serious gift with words.
This was so fantastic. I loved the whole premise of stories from another character‘s point of view. And we got to see some old friends as well as meet new ones.
I am loving how much Yoda was hoping to train Leia and not Luke
Nice to know it wasn‘t just Anakin who hated the sand
Never did I ever expect to have feelings about this droid. It was just a plot device to amp up the tension of maybe R2 gets left behind. But no! Rae Carson made me care and actually feel for this little droid. Just damn
Time to break into the books I got for Xmas, starting with this badass woman. #starwars #ahsoka #kickassfemalecharacters
Yes, Celaena, please keep poking Chaol. It will work out so well...
In love her so much and how much she‘s enjoying trying to provoke Chaol so she can find out what kind of man he is and what kind of guard he is.
Re-reading this and I‘d forgotten just how quickly this line had me falling in love with Celaena.
I really enjoyed this book. And anyone with anxiety, a lot of what John writes and Aza feels really hits home.
I‘m about halfway through this book and really like it. It‘s so weird and out there that I‘m really not sure why I like it, but I can‘t stop reading and really enjoy Austin‘s narration.
After a few great reviews from friends, I ordered this and am excited to read! Love this cover too. #romance
Another #uppercase book and this one came with a map! (And it's gorgeous). I'm about 20 pages in and am feeling optimistic.
Loved it when I was 12 and still love it now at 29
It is getting increasingly difficult for me to like Carmen. Reacher is trying so hard to help her and work with her so she doesn't feel trapped but she will not listen and the whole thinking killing everyone is her only way out, is really frustrating.
This book was absolutely fantastic and if you love historical novels and melodramatic bisexual boys in love with their best friend, this book is for you.
I'm only 30 pgs in, and this book has me hooked. Monty and the way he describes his crush on Percy is so perfect.
So nice to see Lex and Ace realising things like how love can be.
Love the cover and have been getting great reviews for this book.
There was no turning down this book when I found it
I really love Reacher. First glance he's just some big dude with his own code and a love for coffee. But the more you read the more you see how complex and interesting he is.
Back to Reacher! The Phil Coulson level of snark is probably my fave thing at the moment.
I'm in the middle of the first book I got from the #Uppercase box and am loving it. It's a great box and if the books continue to be this good, I'll be a very happy bookworm indeed.
This whole first page is A+, but that first line still has me giggling
I'm about a hundred pages in and all I can say about this book is that it's powerful and I love it.
This book was a great sequel to Six of Crows and I'm just in awe of Leigh Bardugo's writing. (Image from buttermybooks.tumblr.com) #SixofCrows #CrookedKingdom