I just read the first three books in the Immortal Vegas series (box set). I quite enjoyed them. Urban paranormal fantasy. Tarot cards, adventure, Atlantis, and lots more. This set was free for Nook. I will keep an eye out for the rest in the series.
I just read the first three books in the Immortal Vegas series (box set). I quite enjoyed them. Urban paranormal fantasy. Tarot cards, adventure, Atlantis, and lots more. This set was free for Nook. I will keep an eye out for the rest in the series.
I just received a notice that this book came out. Needless to say, I had a good guffaw over that title.
1) In order of most hate to least hate: 1. sweet potato, including, but not limited to, candied yams and sweet potato pie, 2. Pumpkin pie🤢, 3. cranberry sauce and jelly, 4. cornbread stuffing, though I ❤️❤️❤️all other varieties of stuffing.
2) Mystery
3) Fbook
4) 🐕, Gretel
My #10AuthorRecommendations for now. I tagged the post with my favorite book. I'm enjoying this one.
I saw Pike St. tonight at the Woolly Mammoth Theatre in D.C. The actress, and playwright, was excellent.
I finished this one today. I am loving these books by Maas. Waiting for the next one is going to be stressful.
I have been in the Dominican Republic this week. The resort we are staying at has peacocks, which I absolutely love.
Thanks so much @LaurenReads ! #cupidgoespostal makes life awesome. I love the P&P colouring (British spelling, of course) book. I will be on that in no time. And the socks are perfect. I think that my Nook may just fit in the pouch you sent. If not, it may be my new to go bag for coloring implements. The pen and chocolate are headed with me to the Dominican Republic tomorrow. And the gift card is above & beyond. Thank you so much. I love it all.
I can't believe I actually read this entire thing. It was horrible. If this was historical fiction hearkening to 1782 then maybe I would have liked it. I kept waiting for the captain to have some sort of epiphany. He did not. So the woman marries the captain who saves her from the man who bought her, but she now is basically in the same sort of imprisonment. Please don't bother with this one.
Sigh. Now I have to wait until MAY!!!!!!! Grumble, grumble. I really liked this book. I liked it more than Thorns and Roses. It was more mature and exciting. I am ready for the final book in this trilogy. NOW!!!
Just finished this. Loved it. I think I like Throne of Glass better, but KA female assassin protagonists almost always win in my book. Though I have high hopes for Feyre. I think I own the next book in this series. I really hope I do. I just do not need to buy another book right now. *Sigh* Don't worry. I'll buy it if I have to.
Another excellent book by Maas. The next one comes out in September. The only saving grace is that at the end of each book you feel satisfied. There is a true beginning, middle and end. I don't feel like I am going to go out of my mind if I don't have the next book immediately.
Finished up Heir of Fire a couple of days ago. Can't wait to see what happens with Rowan in the future. Aelin is so KA!
I think she needs a public school English class. OK. Enough real politics on Litsy. I am going back to Heir of Fire.
Thought I would give you all a taste of yesterday's Women's March in DC. It was unbelievable how many people were there. I saw several librarian signs but could not get my phone out fast enough.
So, I live in DC. We are going to the movies and avoiding the metro and the downtown area. Last night, I accidentally gave directions to a Trump wack-a-doo on my way home from work. He was looking for "Trump Tower," so he could "pay his respects." Ugh. I am avoiding federal DC, and enjoying the "DC as F*ck" portion of the city I love. Maybe I will hit an anti-inauguration concert later. DC is known for its punk bands. Tomorrow, the woman's march.
Everyone said I would love it. And I do. I really do. I read The Assassin's Blade first and it really filled in a lot of things. I am glad I chose to do that. It made me feel like I had insight into the characters. I started the next book on my way into work. I feel a little greedy for the series and like I will be sad when it is over.
Finished this early today. I really enjoyed it. I have all of the Throne of Glass books on my Nook, so I will be starting on the first tonight. I can't wait!
Another awesome book by JR Ward. Love what happened with Rhage, Mary and Bitty. Oh and there is a possibility that Saxon will have a new love interest. I am ready for the next one. Now please. Thank you. #romantsy
This was a fitting conclusion to the Beyond series. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The characterization was much better than the last two books. And Nessa finally got someone to care for. Looking forward to reading about Ashwin, Kora and Sector One in the next series. #romantsy
Whoo! First one of 2017 done. I read a couple of shorties between the last two books, but they are really not worth mentioning. This is Hawk and Jeni's story and the Sectors are on the brink of war with Eden. I liked learning more about Sector 6 too. #romantsy
Just saw Rogue One tonight. Enjoyable. More action than character development.
I❤ the Beyond series. This was not my favorite because the character development wasn't really there. I think if I had reread the previous books more recently that issue would have been solved. That said, I will be purchasing the last of the books in the series this week. Can't wait. #romantsy
I forgot to post about this one. Per usual, I thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Ward's story. I just got a B&N gift card for Xmas, so I will be purchasing Blood Vow soon. #romantsy
Thank you @seebiscan ! I finally got home from work and opened my gift. Tonight, I will be drinking tea out of my new mug while I read Jane's novels in one sitting. The Read button will go well with the I ❤ Libraries button on my travel backpack. This has been so much fun. I can't wait to do it again. #wintersolsticebookexchange #secretsantagoespostal Thank you @BookishMarginalia for doing all the work.
Shameless plug for my sister. She works for 49th State Brewery in Denali, Alaska. It has the bus from the movie version of Into the Wild on its property. McCandless spent some time in Healey, Alaska, about 5 minutes from the brewery. This past summer she had some musicians record songs on The Bus. So listen to some tunes. 😁😎 https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTnARQSD7XREDqV6MXGm8jScICcqfU2tj
Evidently my bf has been hiding these at the office. Who knew? Happy Holidays Folks!
This is Chuck Berry's Cadillac El Dorado from Hail! Hail! Rock and Roll! He had it up on stage with him at The Fox in St. Louis. It is on display at the National Museum of African-American History and Culture.
On Tuesday, I visited the National Museum of African-American History and Culture. I was only there for about 2.5 hours, so I only made it through the culture part of the museum. One of the docents suggested we do that part because of the amount of time we had before it closed. It is one of the best museums I have ever visited. My kudos to the curators. Now I have to make plans to go see the rest of it. Next tix available in April.
All I can say is "naive." It felt as if a high school student wrote about what she thought a relationship was supposed to be like. No character or relationship development. I had to bail.
This novella was OK. Woman gets pregnant and loses the baby right before she graduates from college. After graduation she is flailing. She then meets a star hockey player who lost his wife. They begin to heal together.
I am strictly an #ereader. I love my Nook. I currently have 1,096 unread books on it. A good majority of them were free or less than $2. I originally received an e-reader because my boyfriend could not take all the books in our small apartment. Then he one for me with a glowlight so I would not bother him at night. I am on my fourth Nook. I got my sister hooked on them too, because she travels all over the place.💓💓💓💓💓 #seasonsreadings2016
So once I finished The Beast, I needed some more JR Ward. The Angels' Share is the second book in The Bourbon Kings series. This book continues the story of a youngest son trying to save his family's illustrious bourbon company after his tyrant of a father secretly bankrupted the company. Lots of family drama. I quite enjoy the series. #romantsy
The Black Dagger Brotherhood is one of my favorite series. The Beast revisits Rhage and Mary and their relationship. I enjoyed this one as much as the rest. If you like paranormals or nontraditional vampires, read the series. It is one of the best in the trope. #romantsy
I had to put Letty Fox aside. I needed something comfy (and rock solid.) Enjoying Ms. Ward's BDB as usual. #romantsy
Last night, I went and saw a play, Tame by Janelle Walker. It was written in response to The Taming of the Shrew. I can't say that it was good. It was rather convoluted. The playwright did not show that a shrew is just a patriarchal construct. Kat just came off as grieving, mentally ill and ill used, not a strong willed woman that knows what she wants.
About to start this book. I had not heard of the author, but, apparently, she was very well respected and I should know who she is. From what I can tell, her books are tragic. We will see.
This was published in 1948, if I remember correctly. There was a lot of slang in here that I did not know, and I actually had to look up a bunch of words. Not my favorite book, but I can imagine why people liked it and why they made a movie of it. It definitely had that dark noir feel that was popular at the time. There were no redeeming characters.
I almost forgot to post about this. I saw Arrival on Sunday. The movie is based on a short story, Story of Your Life, by Ted Chiang. I have not read the story, but the movie was wonderful. I highly recommend it. Stars Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner.
This is what I am reading now. Noir piece that starts out with a jail break.
"A man ought to be a source of shame to his father, don't you think? If I ever have a son, I hope he makes my life hell. How, otherwise, will there ever be any progress?"
I liked this book. It took me forever to read, mostly because been upset over the election. Waters is an excellent author. If you have not read anything by her, please do. Start with Fingersmith.
I saw Dr. Strange tonight. I quite enjoyed it. I never read comic books, but I love a good comic book movie. This is in The Avengers universe. We definitely will be seeing Benedict Cumberbatch in the future. And Stan Lee was reading The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley in his cameo. It made me giggle.
Not sure if the book has anything to do with the Rembrandt painting, but I will find out soon. I just started this book. I love Fingersmith and am looking forward to the movie,The Handmaiden directed by Chan-wook Park, that was recently released.
This book was interesting. The author used stream of consciousness to show how the main character's mind worked. This, and a bit of Irish slang, made for a difficult read. Some of the action was a bit difficult as well. I picked this up on Nook for a couple of bucks, so keep an eye out for it. I am glad I read it, but I definitely do not want to read it again.
My mother sent this cookbook to me. I have flipped through the book. It looks like it has some good tips. Perfect for someone just setting up their kitchen. It tells you what tools you really need and explains why you should choose a particular material for different pots, pans, etc.