Wow. A totally mesmerising, dream-like retelling of stories from Ovid' s Metamorphoses. So lyrical. It's like dipping your toe in to a world you can't even quite imagine. Well done Zachary Mason, I shall be reading more of you!
Wow. A totally mesmerising, dream-like retelling of stories from Ovid' s Metamorphoses. So lyrical. It's like dipping your toe in to a world you can't even quite imagine. Well done Zachary Mason, I shall be reading more of you!
It‘s not a good sign when I‘m just glad to be done. I was entertained by revisiting so much Greek mythology, but never took to Mason‘s retelling.
Part 1/3
Today I went window shopping and fell in love with a million books I can‘t afford - this one is the most physically beautiful book I‘ve held in my hands for ages, a strange modern retelling of Ovid. I think I‘m in love 😍😍😍
If only I had the book budget I wish I did...
Trying this on audio from the library. I‘m not sold yet, but l‘ll give it more time. Any thoughts?
{#bookreview} 🍃🖤
Metamorphica by Zachary Mason is a solid 5 star read for me. It is an epic and masterful retelling of Ovid‘s Metamorphoses and it would do him proud. Find my full review now live on my blog: https://mysticreadsbookblogblog.wordpress.com/2018/06/07/metamorphica-by-zachary... #bookish #booklover #bookaddict #bibliophile #bookblogger #bookstagram #retelling #metamorphoses #ovid #greekmythology
Metamorphica by Zachary Mason is a delight of the imagination and food for the soul. I devoured over half of this book last night and hope to finish the rest today. I don‘t have the words to describe how beautifully written and well done this is. I think Ovid would be proud. #bibliophile #bookaddict #booklover #bookish #bookblogger #bookstagram #greekmythology #romanmythology #ovid
I spent more money today than I knew was possible in a single day and my heart and my bank account feel fragile. I managed to sneak a few books into the basket so ??♀️?
Do you feel like you‘ve spent too much money when buying things that aren‘t books? I can easily blow (e0 on books and think I‘ve grabbed a bargain but (e0 on say, clothing, and I feel like I‘ve been robbed ? #bibliophile #bookaddict #booklover #bookblogger #bookwormproblems
{#currentlyreading — Metamorphica by Zachary Mason} 🍃🖤
So excited to delve into this one! It sounds so good. I‘m really grateful to @jonathancape for sending it my way. It‘s going to be a treat. Anyone got this book on their wishlist? 🍃 #bookishcandles #booklover #bibliophile #bookaddict #bookblogger #bookstagram #advancedreaderscopy #newrelease #retelling #romanmythology #greekmythology
{Surprise ARC mail} Metamorphica by Zachary Mason will be published August 2nd 2018 by @jonathancape A Penguin Imprint. It‘s RRP at (cc.99. Thank you for sending a copy my way. It‘s most certainly my perfect cup of tea! ☕️
I can‘t wait to delve into this lovely retelling of the Greek and Roman myths. ?? #bookishcandles #bibliophile #bookaddict #booklover #bookblogger #greekmythology #romanmythology #mythology #advancedreaderscopy #newrelease