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Utente sconosciuto
Utente sconosciuto | Michael Connelly
Essere un mago della biotecnologia non ha niente a che vedere con la ricerca di persone scomparse. Ma quando la sua segreteria telefonica s'intasa di messaggi per una certa Lilly, che pare sia in un mare di guai, Henry non esita a lanciarsi in un'indagine che diventa in breve un'ossessione e lo condurr sull'orlo dell'abisso. Un thriller sul filo del rasoio, dove violenza e perversione indossano molte maschere. - Il grande successo ottenuto durante la sua partecipazione al festival di Mantova - Un pubblico di affezionati lettori che non cessa di crescere. - Utente sconosciuto non ha mai avuto un'edizione paperback.
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Chasing the Dime | Michael Connelly
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I finished this one, and it occupied me during 5 hours of driving and a couple hours of flying, but I can't say that it's very good. It's ridiculously convoluted, characters' motives don't make sense, and people kept referring to key cards as "scramble cards," which was weird. I can't find any references to that usage online.

Chasing the Dime | Michael Connelly
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Brilliant mystery! Henry, newly divorced and at a new apartment, is doing all it takes so his company comes out first with a scientific breakthrough worth millions. But there are sinister forces undermining him. Unexpected twists! A stand-alone story, but had great pacing (and LAPD)

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick
#ARCApril Day 5 @Andrew65

Chasing the Dime | Michael Connelly
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I stumbled on this standalone Connelly and couldn't resist despite the mediocre reviews. I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised! I think the trick is not to expect the Bosch/Haller/Ballard level of amazingness. A chemist on the verge of making a huge scientific breakthrough gets a new phone number, one that previously belonged to a missing sex worker. Driven by ghosts of his own past he's caught up in amateur sleuthing. 3.5⭐️

EvieBee Stand-alone? Sounds great! 3y
Bookzombie Cool! I don‘t think I realized he had any stand-alones. 3y
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Chasing the Dime | Michael Connelly
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I was really disappointed in this book. I really enjoy The Lincoln Lawyer series, and thought I would try another one of his novels. I really wish I hadn't. I spent the whole time reading this novel thinking this would never happen! The only good thing is it didn't make it to my dnf list. ⭐

Chasing the Dime | Michael Connelly

I generally adore anything Michael Connelly puts out but I have to say this is his weakest book. The story is rather formulaic and it‘s very easy to see how it will end.

Chasing the Dime | Michael Connelly
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#TimBitTunes #MoneyCityManiacs I havnt read this one , but I‘m pretty sure there will be Money & City & Maniacs involved. I must get back to Bosch soon , I miss him. ♥️

Cinfhen Sorry, #booked2019 has been keeping you busy 😂😂😂😘 6y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen I‘m telling ya !!! Im a busy reading bee this year 😂😘 6y
Cinfhen And you‘re doing great!!!! At this rate you‘ll be done before Easter 🐣 😉❣️ 6y
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Chasing the Dime | Michael Connelly
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You know how when watching a scary movie you want to scream out, “Don‘t open the door!”? I found myself wanting to do that same thing through out this story. Not one of his best. I also was not satisfied with the ending. I guess everyone has a dud every once in awhile.