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Property of the Rebel Librarian
Property of the Rebel Librarian | Allison Varnes
32 posts | 26 read | 41 to read
Celebrate the freedom to read with this timely, empowering middle-grade debut in the spirit of The View from Saturday or Frindle. When twelve-year-old June Harper's parents discover what they deem an inappropriate library book, they take strict parenting to a whole new level. And everything June loves about Dogwood Middle School unravels: librarian Ms. Bradshaw is suspended, an author appearance is canceled, the library is gutted, and all books on the premises must have administrative approval. But June can't give up books . . . and she realizes she doesn't have to when she spies a Little Free Library on her walk to school. As the rules become stricter at school and at home, June keeps turning the pages of the banned books that continue to appear in the little library. It's a delicious secret . . . and one she can't keep to herself. June starts a banned book library of her own in an abandoned locker at school. The risks grow alongside her library's popularity, and a movement begins at Dogwood Middle--a movement that, if exposed, could destroy her. But if it's powerful enough, maybe it can save Ms. Bradshaw and all that she represents: the freedom to read.
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My #bookspin this month. Had this on my tbr for ages so was really looking forward to finally read it. It was an ok read but I have read different books with the same setting/story that gripped me more.

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“ You read that one book, and one book can change everything.” Book 9 #middlegrademarch #MGMarch

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❤️ this book

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I'm not a writer & I hate to sound so critical, but this book was a disappointment. It was like a dystopian event taking place in a regular world. In what universe does an entire school/town agree to ban books and only one adult speaks up; where parents have the time to rewrite their daughter's entire library and are so irrational it doesn't even make sense? Also the plot line with her friend breaking into the locker is never really resolved. cont

Lmstraubie This book did this storyline much better. 5y
JaclynW My son started the Rebel Librarian after reading Ban This Book and loving that one. He gave up on the rebel, he said it just wasn't that great. He agrees with you. Because of his reaction, I never even tried it. I loved Ban This Book! 5y
Lmstraubie @JaclynW Glad I'm in good company. I always feel bad when I don't like a nook, especially knowing how much goes into writing one, but this one just came across as a bad imitation of Ban This Book. 5y
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This is titled “Is it okay to run an illegal library from my locker at school?” and it popped up in my Facebook memories today. After I had started reading the tagged book. That‘s pretty interesting timing.

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Books are worth the risk.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫🎧2019.04.18. I enjoyed this middle read about banned books.

ravenlee I just checked this out yesterday! 5y
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Dare I say this book was awful? I gave it 2 ⭐️ on goodreads because I hate for an author to see a 1⭐️ rating. Book banning is an important topic for this age audience but the overreaction of so many parents and educators with NOT A SINGLE adult asking what the heck was wrong with everybody is just not believable. While hysteria spreads quickly this was too fast to be believable. Only good thing was the quote here at the end.

Book 75/90 2/27/19

Lmstraubie I completely agree!! The storyline just seemed so far-fetched, even though it was about such an important topic. Have you read this one? 5y
megnews @Lmstraubie I read Ban this Book shortly after this and liked it so much more. 5y
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I‘m finding the pace of this one difficult to swallow.

WanderingBookaneer I didn‘t like this one. I preferred 6y
megnews @WanderingBookaneer I just put Ban this Book on hold with my library. Glad to hear it‘s better. 6y
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Oh so much to love about this. First, June is a band geek, and I can SO relate (this one time, at band practice, Tonya dropped Nate‘s car keys down a storm drain). Second, library groupies! The hidden kids who love books. June‘s parents made me SO angry, but I never have understood why people make such a big deal about restricting access to books. I loved the ending. I‘ve got this loan for 20 more days, and I‘m going to keep it and read it again.

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Stop reading? That‘s like a friend in college who didn‘t understand how I “found the time” to read for fun every day. Because I made the time every day. Not reading feels like torture, and this is a book for everyone who feels the same way.

Weaponxgirl I like to think that nonreaders just haven‘t found the right book for them yet. Makes me less likely to hit them when they make an inane comment. (edited) 6y
Ddzmini Exactly @Weaponxgirl 🤣🤣🤣💁🏼‍♀️ 6y
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This is a #blameitinlitsy read. I saw a post about it yesterday and the library had a digital copy available.

I still, 10 years after getting my first ereader, marvel at the fact that I can be interested in a book, tap a few buttons, and either buy it or get it from the library.

In the middle of the night.

In my pajamas.

Pamwurtzler Me too!! 6y
megnews 😀 6y
charl08 Yup. Dangerous. 6y
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MelissaSue81 I read this as an ARC and thought it was super cute too. 6y
SW-T Sounds good! 6y
Gillyreads Automatic interest when there is a pile of books on the cover 6y
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I loved this book!!
#middleschoolbookpick This is about a 12 yr old girl named June who has very strict parents. They not only want to control what books she reads..but what books the school allows in their library, in their school, in the hands of any middle school child. It's crazy. It's a little Fahrenheit 451-ish. June rebels, she tries to find a way to keep reading. She becomes the Rebel Librarian.
(Side note: I LOVE the school's librarian)

Zelma Sounds like a lot of fun! 6y
Revenge4bess My grandmother and my mom‘s younger sister were both librarians. I‘m a writer; an avid reader. Maybe that‘s why I like the book so much 4y
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This book was everything! Amazing! I love June! Bless her Rebel Librarian heart. May we all start revolutions. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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Im not crying, you‘re crying

Crinoline_Laphroaig WOW! That is something to be so proud of! Rebel Librarian 😍 6y
Texreader Very nice!!! 👍🎉🎊👏🏻 6y
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Another gift from the beautiful Nicole, who donated this to our library in my name (I‘m posting the dedication next)

Crinoline_Laphroaig I loved this book! an't wait to be a Rebel Auntie and pass it on to my great nephew! 6y
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My rebelious nerdy heart felt like it was on a sunshiny crisp walk in my old neighborhood. So well written and inspiring...makes me want to take over the world. Your words do matter. Small actions speak loudly. Very empowering.

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Only a few chapters in and already loving this one! If you enjoyed Ban This Book by Alan Gratz this is a must-read #freedomtoread

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This was my book for banned book week! I heard so much about it on social media I had to read it for myself! I loved it! As a teacher/librarian I‘ve had plenty of push back from parents and other teachers about the books I recommend! I always read books first before I tell anyone to try it! (Sometimes)This book had me all hyped up! If you haven‘t read it please do!! I can definitely see this happening! They use paraprofessionals in most schools 🙄

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I finished up Banned Books Week with the inspiring Property of the Rebel Librarian. LOVED! LOVED! LOVED! I did have a few flashbacks to my own childhood. I hope it empowers young people everywhere shout "Don't Tell Me What To Read!" ✊

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"I am outraged.
"I am censorship gone wrong.
I am the Rebel Librarian."✊ #donttellmewhattoread #ireadbannedbooks

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Wonderful story! June is #huggable and wonderful and I want to know her.

I have had the 😳 privilege 😳 of talking in front of the school board to support the reinstatement of Judy Blume‘s Forever to our middle schools — we won. We had several students speak up and use their 3 minutes. It was wonderful to see librarians, teachers, students speaking out. We didn‘t make it to CNN but we did make it to ALA OIF.

Owlizabeth 🎉🎉🎉 6y
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Just picked up my copy! Looking forward to reading this along side Ban This Book

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Just put in my pre/order for this at Anderson‘s Bookshop. I‘ll pick it up on release day next Tuesday.

This will be interesting to read along with Ban This Book by Alan Gratz for #mgbuddyread 😊

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Cute kids story, with lots of literary references. The premise is far fetched but the ending is super sweet. Another 1.5 hours for #8intwo 3 down, 5 to go

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Next up for #8inTwo, this middle grade ARC from #netgalley

I had to request it from the title

tjwill I already have too many things to read from Net Galley, but now I want to read this too! 6y
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