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The Bad Place
The Bad Place | Dean Koontz
8 posts | 35 read | 23 to read
Frank Pollard is afraid to fall asleep. Every morning when he awakes, he discovers something strange--like blood on his hands--a bizarre mystery that tortures his soul. Two investigators have been hired to follow the haunted man. But only one person--a young man with Down's Syndrome--can imagine where their journeys might end. That terrible place from which no one ever returns.
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The Bad Place | Dean Koontz
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As of last night I‘ve finally finished the 2020 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge! Not gonna lie, this year was a little rough due to lack of motivation but I made it! #2020popsugarreadingchallenge #finished #acheivementunlocked #bringon2021

britt_brooke Awesome! 🤩 4y
Megabooks Congratulations!! 4y
Shibbyfruitfly Thanks guys! It was touch and go for a bit this summer so I‘m happy I made it through. The other 2 challenges I signed up for though, I‘m a ways off. 4y
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The Bad Place | Dean Koontz

This book is a weird mix of scifi, mystery and thriller but it's a really good read. There's twist and turns through out the whole book.

BethM Welcome to the best place on the internet! 5y
JodiPM @BethM Thank you! 5y
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The Bad Place | Dean Koontz
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⭐⭐ I hate giving so low a rating to a Koontz novel, but I had a really hard time getting into this story. Plus, teleporting is not really my cup of tea, and I always feel like it's too far-fetched. I loved the kid with Down's syndrome though!

The Bad Place | Dean Koontz
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The Bad Place was recommended to me by a friend who also loves Dean Koontz. It is so different from other novels he‘s written. It‘s twisted and creepy and so hard to put down. It makes you want to keep reading just to find out what happens next. If you‘re a fan of Dean Koontz, be prepared for something different but still great!

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The Bad Place | Dean Koontz
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This book was intriguing. The Pollard family completely grossed me out. The mystery of the family and events keeps you reading, wanting to know what happens and what is up with that family.

The Bad Place | Dean Koontz
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I don't even know where to begin with this book. It was so weird and creepy and I loved it. Absolutely freaking loved it. I had no idea what was going on half the time, but I had to find out. All I will say is that if you love super weird shit, you will like this. It's horror/mystery/thriller/sci-fi and romance all mixed together. Which doesn't sound like it works, but it did this time.

alleyfam51699 I haven't read that one by him yet. I loved The Taking. It was so creepy and good. 7y
Sha0102 I love Koontz!!! 7y
Gayan You know it's my favorite! ❤️ 7y
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The Bad Place | Dean Koontz
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Up next! This is one of the first books that my book soulmate, @Gayan , recommended to me over a year ago! I'm so excited to read anything she recommends, she knows her ish. #koontzy

Gayan My all time favorite Koontz! 7y
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