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Library of the Dead
Library of the Dead | Glenn Cooper
8 posts | 43 read | 20 to read
An ancient knowledge. A conspiracy of silence. A secret to kill for. On the seventh day of the seventh month, the seventh son of a seventh son is born to ominous prophecy on the Isle of Wight. Centuries later, in 1947, Winston Churchill is called out of retirement to deal with an unprecedented archaeological discovery that threatens to derail postwar reconstruction. Soon afterwards, in Roswell, New Mexico, an alleged UFO sighting heralds the establishment of a secret military complex in Nevadaa base that comes to be known as Area 51. In present-day New York City, Will Piper is reluctantly forced to interrupt his dissolute spiral into retirement when his superiors at the FBI assign him to the high profile Doomsday serial-murder case. The victims have nothing in common, except for one detaileach of them received a postcard foretelling their date of death. But just when Piper finds a credible lead, hes taken off the case. Continuing the investigation on his own, he must outwit the ruthless team of covert operatives from Area 51 who are protecting the governments greatest secret. From a medieval monastery to a cutting-edge government laboratory, Library of the Dead spans centuries and continents to deliver a richly detailed, highly researched and sharply written exploration of fate and free will.
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Library of the Dead | Glenn Cooper
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One of my favourite books, great storyline and unique plot.

#Library #BeginsWith

NikkiM5 I enjoyed this book too but the MC gave me a headache. The storyline/idea was so interesting, so I finished it. I believe it‘s the first time I loved a book but hated the MC, so I am kind of baffled 😂 2y
Eggs Sounds good 👌🏼 2y
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Library of the Dead | Glenn Cooper
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Day 11 of the #Top20 Series #20Series20Days

Today gone for one not seen posted yet, the Will Piper Trilogy. Initially picked the first book up from a charity shop not expecting much and was blown away by the story and didn‘t want to put it down. Loved the story thread through the trilogy, a good mixture of history and adventure / suspense story.

Book 1 also published as Secret of the Seventh Son.

Mollyanna I own Secret of the Seventh Son. Didn‘t realize it was part of a trilogy. Thanks for posting this. 😊 4y
MsMelissa I read the first book and found it enjoyable. 4y
Andrew65 @Book_Fiend_Melissa It‘s an interesting story. 4y
Andrew65 @Mollyanna Hope you enjoy it. 😊 4y
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Library of the Dead | Glenn Cooper
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Day 4 #AdventRecommends
I picked this one up from a charity shop because I liked the look of the cover!!!! Never heard of the author at this point. Read it not expecting much and was totally engrossed and blown away & virtually read in one sitting! The whole trilogy was good but loved this one especially. Great historical element and great thriller aspect. In fact think I want to read it again. Also published under The Secret of The Seventh Son.

candority I love the story that goes along with your recommendation. It‘s such a great feeling when a book you pick up on a whim ends up being fantastic! 6y
Andrew65 @candority The best feeling in the world! 6y
JaneyWaneyB Added to my TBR now off to find it on Amazon 🤸‍♀️ 6y
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Andrew65 @JaneyWaneyB Hope you enjoy it! 🤞😊 6y
Ronda I loved this book and the following two, Book of Souls was just as good and The Librarians .. so pleased you enjoyed the first one 😊 6y
Andrew65 @Ronda Yey! A fellow fan! It was a good trilogy. 6y
Ronda @Andrew65 Ha ha definitely a fan, totally agree 😁 6y
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Library of the Dead | Glenn Cooper
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Just a small part of my favourite books, really there are too many to mention! #😍 #emojinov

Library of the Dead | Glenn Cooper
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This is one of the #MelodiousMusicals I didn't know so researched it.. This brought to mind for me the excellent first book in the Will Piper Trilogy by Glenn Cooper, entitled Library of the Dead with some very special librarians - cannot say any more without giving away the plot. Read this book with zero expectations, just picked it up based on the cover at a charity shop., not knowing the author. When I read it I just fell in love with the book!

CrowCAH Sounds like a “tomb” of a book! 😉 7y
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Library of the Dead | Glenn Cooper
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For my #paperbackwriter I have chosen Glenn Cooper. I picked this book up from a charity shop, not having heard of him and not really expecting much. After starting the book I was totally hooked and couldn't put it down! I loved the originality of the story and the historical connection of the story. Really enjoyed the whole trilogy but this book just felt special for me. Love it when this happens, especially when not much is expected! ❤️❤️❤️

Cinfhen I so agree, and your review has peeked my interest 🙃stacked!! 7y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen Hope you enjoy it, I definitely did. 😊 7y
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No es un mal libro, hasta incluso te engancha. Me recuerda un poco al tipo de novelas de Dan Brown. Es una lectura rápida y hasta entretenida.

Library of the Dead | Glenn Cooper
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Enjoying free time before night shift #readingforthesoul #book #coffee #suspence #fiction

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