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Library of the Dead | Glenn Cooper
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Day 11 of the #Top20 Series #20Series20Days

Today gone for one not seen posted yet, the Will Piper Trilogy. Initially picked the first book up from a charity shop not expecting much and was blown away by the story and didn‘t want to put it down. Loved the story thread through the trilogy, a good mixture of history and adventure / suspense story.

Book 1 also published as Secret of the Seventh Son.

Mollyanna I own Secret of the Seventh Son. Didn‘t realize it was part of a trilogy. Thanks for posting this. 😊 4y
MsMelissa I read the first book and found it enjoyable. 4y
Andrew65 @Book_Fiend_Melissa It‘s an interesting story. 4y
Andrew65 @Mollyanna Hope you enjoy it. 😊 4y
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The 100 | Kass Morgan
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Day 1/20- Since I'm only 14, I haven't read more than 15 series. So I guess I'm going to do this in a different way..
The 100 by Kass Morgan is great. I first saw the series, then read the books. The books were okayish, but the series was amazing❤️

Disclaimer: My #top20 are in no particular order. It was already hard enough to find 20 series😂😂


Andrew65 Thanks for posting, will have to check this one out as not heard of it. 4y
sprainedbrain I watched the first season of the show and have always meant to read the books! 4y
thebookishnerd @sprainedbrain did you like it?? 4y
sprainedbrain @thebookishnerd yes I did! But like so many tv shows, I don‘t make time to go back and finish. 4y
thebookishnerd @sprainedbrain ik right. I also have so many series to finish, but with school and assignments, I don't have time.. 4y
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Right Ho, Jeeves | P. G. Wodehouse
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My first selection for #20Series20Days is the goofy duo of Jeeves and Wooster. They can always be relied upon for a good chuckle and a quick comfort read. Right??

Thanks for coming up with this fun #Top20 challenge, @Andrew65 !


catebutler P. G. Wodehouse is ALWAYS a go to for me, when I need a laugh or pick me up. Great choice, Leah! 4y
CarolynM Great choice😍 4y
rubyslippersreads I‘m drooling over this set! 😍 4y
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Ruthiella Beautiful collection! 😍 4y
MsMelissa Love this choice! And those Folio editions 🥰 4y
Leftcoastzen Wow! 4y
Cathythoughts Beautiful 💕 4y
Andrew65 Love the books and especially your set of them. 😍 4y
batsy What a beautiful collection 😍 4y
TrishB Look at those ❤️ 4y
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The Godfather | Mario Puzo
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And so we close the chapter on 2016! (See what I did there?😉) Here's #Myyearinbooks through #Goodreads! ❤📚 See my previous post for my #top20. A great #yearinbooks! 🙌🏻🎉 Let's see if 2017 can top this! 📚 By the way, if we're not friends on Goodreads yet, friend me! 😊

Cinfhen Nice 👍🏻 😍 8y
Louise Hi! Just sent you a friend request on Goodreads! 🤓 8y
Mimi28 Me too! 8y
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SaturnDoo Sent friend request 8y
NovelGirl82 Request sent! 8y
suomi Just sent a friend request ☺ 8y
JoanCallen Ditto 8y
Litlady Ditto squared‼️😊 8y
Tanner Ditto to the power of 3... 😆 8y
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