Ahhhh this was so so good! I think it ends this part of the series and moves to another character now. Stayed up late finishing it. My heart feels full. 3 hrs 20 mins for #24b4monday
Ahhhh this was so so good! I think it ends this part of the series and moves to another character now. Stayed up late finishing it. My heart feels full. 3 hrs 20 mins for #24b4monday
1. All the fruit minus blueberries or any berries other than strawberries.
2. Not favorite but my current read is set in summer.
3. Brief glimpse of a dolphin- I want a better look though. #thoughtfulthursday @MoonWitch94
Such a good book! This is the first series that made me fall in love with reading. I‘ll always be thankful for C.C hunter.
Sneaking in a little reading and a quick snack while on my break at work. #LetMeSeeYourSnack
I usually don't like peanut M&M's but today they were calling to me. Anyone else have foods they usually don't like but sometimes have an odd craving for???
Let me start by saying WOW! What an amazing series. Seen Kylie grow up into such an amazing woman through the series was amazing. This last book was very heartfelt. Very emotional. Im glad i gave this series a chance..great job C.C. Hunter
5 out of 5
Oh. My. God. You guys! PICK PICK PICK! I have the goosebumps! This was an AMAZING last chapter of a series that I absolutely adored! Kylie started off as a whiny teenager and ends up being a super badass chick! I will never be able to thank @erickaa enough for introducing me to this series!
The blog is boasting a new post about my little bet with Darling Boyfriend!
Check it out at: www.reademandeatblog.wordpress.com
Friday night in a nutshell:
The bet: that I can't finish this book in the five hours he's at work.
If he wins: I have to help him set up/make an appearance at his Super Smash Bros tournament on Sunday.
If I win: He has to have a two hour reading party with me and he has to read Murder On the Orient Express.
#gameon #forthehorde #reademandeat #fancyalittlewager
The last instalment of the Shadow Falls trilogy. I want to read this one super slow and savour every moment I have left with Kylie, Derek, Lucas, Della, Miranda, etc. However, since I've moved I have access to a brand new library! So going down there today is going to be very exciting! #wordnerdonthemove #newlibrary #northernontario #igettooattachedtofictionalcharacters
doing a combined book post bc I read them literally back to back. Loved the series overall. Excited to start reading the books on Della.
One thing that REALLY bothered me in this book is how quickly Derek moved on. The first THREE books Lucas & Derek love Kylie and she had to pick. Derek meets Jenny for like 5 secs & she tries to attack him, and suddenly he is in love with her? Like I feel betrayed by Derek. Poor way to wrap up his story line.
"Ihre Oma hatte immer gesagt, wenn es einem besonders schlecht ging, sollte man sich vor Augen führen, wie viele schöne Dinge man im Leben hatte. " (S. 255)