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Quiet Neighbors
Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
It's the oldest bookshop in a town full of bookshops; rambling and disordered, full of treasures if you look hard. Jude found one of the treasures when she visited last summer, the high point of a miserable vacation. Now, in the depths of winter, when she has to run away, Lowell's chaotic bookshop in that backwater of a town is the safe place she runs to. Jude needs a bolt-hole; Lowell needs an assistant and, when an affordable rental is thrown in too, life begins to look up. The gravedigger's cottage isn't perfect for a woman alone but at least she has quiet neighbors. Quiet, but not silent. The long dead and the books they left behind both have tales to tell and the dusty rooms of the bookshop are not the haven they seem to be. Lowell's past and Jude's present are a dangerous cocktail of secrets and lies and someone is coming to light the taper that could destroy everything. Praise: "Quiet Neighbors drew me in from the very first page, and I stayed up late reading it because I couldn't wait to find out what happened next. That's the definition of a good book."Charlaine Harris, #1 New York Times bestselling author "Layer upon layer of deception."Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
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Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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When Jude needs a place to hide, she runs to her last happy place: Lowell's dusty old bookshop in a one-horse town. Turns out, the proprietor needs Jude's help as much as she needs a respite from the world, and the two make it work, for a time. But both Jude and Lowell have their secrets, and those little mysteries are about to meet.

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Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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Not nearly as gothic cover implies, but It was hard to dislike a mystery set largely in a used bookstore. Some really quirky characters and cool last minute twists. A solid 3. 5 stars.

Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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One this dark day I finally finished this dark book. Luckily the fiction was more positive and uplifting than the reality we woke up too. (Raz is super disappointed too).

KrisConstantReader I'm so bummed. And truly stunned at the turn of events. 8y
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Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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Creepy mystery? Check. Set in Scotland? Check. Involves a bookshop? Check. I'm only about 50 pages in and this book is meeting all my needs right now.

thebookmagpie Sold! 8y
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Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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wonderful and engaging book. perfect summer night.

MrBook Great pic! Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay, I think you'll like it here 😎👍🏻. 8y
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Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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Jude is running away from her life to a book store where her last happy memory occurred. Lowell needs an assistant and takes her in though he has his own secrets especially when a young pregnant woman comes in the bookshop claiming to be his daughter. I'm halfway through- it's a lovely 'quiet' read with a light mystery set in a small Scottish town. Perfect for a rainy evening.

Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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This could be a description of the used bookstore my small town used to have or one that used to be in Cambria, CA. I would have to turn sideways to get down some rows and being in earthquake country, I was always paranoid that the "Big One" would come & I'd be buried in books.

Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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Maybe I'm just annoyed because I was expecting a ghost or horror story (seriously- look at the cover), but it turned out to be a rather mundane mystery. Also, there were 3 potential unrelated mysteries going on simultaneously, which was confusing at times. Finally, I have a hard time believing that two complete strangers show up in the course of a week and the same guy takes them in without batting an eye. Just too many things didn't work for me.

BibliOphelia Bummer ☹️ 8y
Carol I really hate it when a cover does a great job setting a mood and then when you get inside you realize it had nothing to do with the actual story. Bummer 😕 8y
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Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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This book has quite a few typos and whoever had it before me apparently felt compelled to fix them all. This book has been disappointing so far. From the cover and description on the dust jacket I thought it would be creepy but it's not at all. More of a mystery and not a very good one at that. Right now I'm about 2/3 through and considering bailing.

Lauren_reading It bothers me when people "edit" library books. The errors are distracting enough as it is, the marks just make it worse 8y
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Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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My next read - a story set in a haunted bookshop. Yes, please!

[DELETED] 2232195534 I love the covers on this author's Gothic type books. She also writes a mystery series. Enjoy!! 8y
QueenAnne Hell. Yes. 😍😍😍👍🏼🍀📚❤️😍 8y
Well-ReadNeck Well, I'm in! 8y
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Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson

This book is more of a puzzler than a mystery. No blood, or car chases, or terror in the story. I loved it. I got impatient with the lead character Jude, but that's part of the puzzle. If you like books, old bookstores, librarians, and out of the way villages in Scotland, you'll love it.

Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson

I liked the characters, but the mystery was largely absent for much of the book, and it got pretty convoluted by the end. The author's writing style was also strange at times with details appearing out of nowhere. ⭐️⭐️.5/5

Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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I'm not much into mysteries, but this one, set in a spooky bookstore in Scotland, might just be up my alley...

bookwrm526 Can't wait for your opinion on this one, the cover looks suitably spooky! 8y
suvata It does look creepy. 8y
SusanInTiburon Spooky bookstore?! I'm in! 8y
Minimalgrl Looks interesting.... 8y
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Quiet Neighbors: A Novel | Catriona McPherson
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A perfect read for a week of constant rain AND starting a new job in a bookshop. Creepy but not too dark.