So true. #readathon
Sometimes I feel like I'm like my cats finding the one small space of sun to lay in. 😹 also all the stuff on the floor was on a table until Tennant decided to push it all off to get my attention. Cats.
I'm starting my 3rd #readathon book. I finished The Wicked + The Divine: Vol 1 but it wasn't for me.
Starting my 2nd #readathon book, The Wicked + The Divine: Vol 1, with my reading companion that just wants kisses. 😹
I'm late starting #readathon thanks to some cats that decided to wrestle in the middle of the night for hours on my bed.
I'm starting off with Serafina and the Black Cloak. I started it early in the week but decided to save the rest for Readathon. I'm also drinking cold brew coffee (which I dumped half of when I was straining it! 😩)
This could be a description of the used bookstore my small town used to have or one that used to be in Cambria, CA. I would have to turn sideways to get down some rows and being in earthquake country, I was always paranoid that the "Big One" would come & I'd be buried in books.
Kinda having a hard time reading sections of this book because it reminds me of every time my dad ended up in the hospital before & after he got diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. It also makes me extra thankful for the ICU nurse who took the time to tell me upfront that my dad was not going to make it. I think her doing that helped me be able to process & deal (well, the best you can in that situation) with him dying the next day.
I was up most of the night coughing (I think I have a cold) so I ended up reading. I picked this book up at a used bookstore after reading it described as, "Criminal Minds for the YA world." It's about a group of teens that have special skills that are being used to close cold cases. After I finished, I wanted to go out and buy the rest of the series! It's fast paced & will keep you reading until you are done!
Taking a work break to read & try out Nature's Bakery's Vegan Brownie. This book is confusing me more than the last one. I think there are too many characters to keep track of.
200 pages into Adnan's Story. I really appreciate that Rabia Chaudry talks about Islam & what it means & what it's like being a Muslim especially a Muslim teen. She also talks about things going on in her own life. Including Adnan's letters makes the whole book seem more personal than procedural.
Do you consider the Diary of Anne Frank a work of art or just a diary? So curious what others think.
My mom's 4 year old car just overheated 40 mins from home (😁) so I'm reading while waiting for the tow truck.
This book is meant to be read on a dark stormy night. The writing, descriptions were spot on for me. I really loved it but since it's inspired by The Island of Dr Moreau it did have parts that really upset me. I wasn't planning on reading the next book but I had to after the ending!
Another July Scribd Select that I need to read before it expires. I have no clue what this one is about but the cover & title grabbed me.
I really enjoyed this for the first 50 pages or so but it kinda went downhill from there for me and I'm not sure why. I just didn't connect to the characters. This is a zombie book but it was more about the survival aspect.
I'm trying to finish some July Scribd selects before they expire so I just started Unwind.
I'm trying to finish some July Scribd selects before they expire so I just started Unwind.
"He's quite mad, you know. But adventure can be very appealing."
This book was so much fun. Abigail Rook leaves everything behind & finds herself working for a the detective, Jackaby, despite all the warning that he would lead to trouble. She finds out that Jackaby deals with cases that deal with the supernatural. It was a bit predictable at times but I loved the adventure.
I'm about 100 pages into Jackaby and loving it! I needed a fun book before going back to work & this one is perfect so far.
All I knew about this book was what the back cover said so I was confused when things occurred that didn't seem to fit in. Turns out I should read covers better because Bone Gap is magical realism & it said so on the cover! I live in a small town & related to the small town atmosphere of everyone knowing your business. I loved that this book dealt with whether we really see people & how we all crave someone truly "seeing" us.
I picked up this book on a whim when I was about to check-out in a local used bookstore. I knew nothing about it. It was the title & cover that captured me. It ended up being one of my fav books so far this year. I'm glad I didn't know anything about it going in because it was all a surprise and an almost magical one at that. I just want to buy it & pass it out to friends. I wanted to finish it but I never felt like I wanted it to end.
This is one of those books that you want to finish but at the same time aren't ready for it to be over.
I'm kinda embarrassed to admit I'm listening to this but so far it's been a good one to listen to while reading. Her previous book dealt with her life in the Playboy Mansion and this one deals with her life after.
While I had read the articles & saw some of the interviews Leah Remini had given after leaving Scientology, I had no idea everything she had gone through. While she can come across judgmental at times, I feel like she was upset about how those in her religion were acting and treating others. The book is a hard look into whether to leave a religion or stay.
Conviction is written by a reporter about his investigation into the murder of 15 year old, Martha Moxley. The author & a detective spent 20 years working this case. 20 years after the murder occurred, a cousin of the Kennedy's was convicted. The book feels long at times but it also took 20 years for things to come to light. Was a fascinating look at how people will cover for the rich & famous.
Listening to the audiobook while walking to & from work. (Yes, it's 100+ and I'm walking.) it's fascinating what she went through as a Scientologist child & adult. I just got to the part with Katie Holmes & Tom Cruise's wedding.
I really enjoyed #24in48! While I wish I would've gotten more reading time in (I was still recovering from 3 days at Disneyland) overall I'm happy with how much I did read! I'm so happy to have some new friends on Litsy too!
I ended up taking a nap longer than planned so I definitely won't be making 24 hours but it's been so nice to read & sleep the last two days. I just started Code Name Verity. My current reading companion, Rory, has spent the majority of the day in the bathtub bc it's cooler in there so I was surprised to have him join me! #24in48
I'm trying to convince my current #24in48 companion to love on the book not bite the book. 😼
I'm starting my 4th book for #24in48 after sleeping for only 4 hours. This is why I shouldn't drink coffee late in the day! 😂 I suspect I'll take multiple naps today!
Such a fun read. Although I enjoyed it as an adult, I think this would be perfect to intro middle school kids to graphic novels.
Abigail Haas writes books that make me feel crazy. Like crazy in the I can't stop reading and I have no idea how I feel about the main character crazy. My reaction by the end was, "!!!!!!!!!" No words. #24in48
Starting my second book, Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas, for #24in48 while eating @earthbalance's White Cheddar Mac & Cheese. I loved her first book, Dangerous Girls; read it if you haven't! I had to buy Dangerous Boys from the Book Depository UK because it's not published in the US. #vegan
Based on the reviews & blurbs I've read, I thought this book would be scarier than it was. The author only went into detail on two cases The Warrens dealt with & glossed over some others. I was hoping it would be like the courses or talks The Warrens gave; I think that would've made the book more interesting.
I'm late in starting #24in48 thanks to a Disneyland "hangover." I'm about 100 pages into The Demonologist. It's not as scary as I thought it would be. I suspect I had it built up in my head because of the reviews!
My stack for #24in48. I'm about 20 pages into The Demonologist. I'm kinda scared to read it. I also have some ebooks to read.
I love this so much. There are times I miss some of my family so much (both those who are still alive & those who passed) and it makes me feel alone. Yet I want the reminder I will see them again whether in this life or the next.
"Steven says it's building the bridge in front of you before they burn the ones behind you."