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The Naked Face
The Naked Face | Sidney Sheldon
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Judd Stevens is a psychoanalyst faced with the most critical case of his life. If he does not penetrate the mind of a murderer he will find himself arrested for murder or murdered himself... Two people closely involved with Dr. Stevens have already been killed. Is one of the doctor's patients responsible? Someone overwhelmed by his problems? A neurotic driven by compulsion? A madman? Before the murderer strikes again, Judd must strip away the mask of innocence the criminal wears, uncover the inner emotions, fears, and desires, to expose . . .
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The Naked Face | Sidney Sheldon
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Eggs 💙🎭🖤 2y
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The Naked Face | Sidney Sheldon
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It was okay. I've read better thriller and suspense mysteries. It was actually a disappointment in the end. It was an ending unexpected but it failed to satisfy me. I wished the killer was someone different. Mr. Sheldon tried to insert a romance in his book which did not work for me and actually ruined the book for me.

The Naked Face | Sidney Sheldon
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This book was a total pan for me😖I found the writing dated, cliched and at times highly offensive. The story was subpar and the mystery fairly transparent. This book clearly showed its age in attitude, tone, and societal and pop culture references. This was my book #5 (1970) #birthdaychallenge selection.

LeahBergen Okay... I kind of laughed here. 😂 Poor old Sid! 8y
Cinfhen @James I see you stacked this book to read! I ended up with a brand new copy today, that I will never read again. If you want it, I'm happy to mail it to you 🤓 8y
James @Cinfhen 😀thank you for the offer! Very kind, but no, it sounded good, I haven't heard of it so I stacked it. I have soooo many books to read here. Thank you very much. 8y
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The Naked Face | Sidney Sheldon
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WOW! This book is so offensive! I literally can not believe the words I'm reading 😧It's unbelievable...Even a plate full of doughnuts can't fix this mess! If this was not my #birthdaychallenge read I would probably bail. I'm going to read on but not sure I could actually recommend this book😳

Betty I was replying to your post about the "cheesy" phrases then it got deleted. 1970 was 46 years ago; popular phrase back then "Sock it to me" was from Laugh In. "Rap" came into style circa 1965. Imagine what the reader in 2062 can say about phrases in our current popular books! 8y
Cinfhen @Betty that's actually a good observation and quite true but I realized there were other phrases on the page that were actually pretty offensive and I felt it wasn't right to post them. I'm only on page 21 and the word "fag" has appeared 19 times and "black ass" 3 ???I did see "groovy" four times and "big mother" twice. It's just eye-opening! I don't think today's authors use derogatory, 8y
Cinfhen Language so callously! (edited) 8y
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EloisaJames Those are some amazing donuts... not that it makes up for the language. 8y
quirkyreader Just try and remember that it was written at a different time. Think of what people in the future will think of the over use of really, seriously, and I know right. Different time frames equals different use of phraseology. 8y
DeborahSmall When language like that is used now we know, quite blatantly, that it's from the mouth of racist/bigot. I hate the "fag" word so much I couldn't read it! Good luck. Those donuts look amazing 8y
OrangeMooseReads Good luck with the book.some times I have a hard time excusing the language based on "it was a different time" because even in the time some of those phrases and words were offensive. The doughnuts look AMAZING though. ?? (edited) 8y
Gleefulreader The donuts look top notch! 8y
Reviewsbylola Those donuts tho . . . I would pretty much read anything for just a taste. 😛🤗 8y
rubyslippersreads Don't want to read the book but the donuts are groovy. 😄❤️🍩 8y
Cinfhen By the way @EloisaJames @DeborahSmall @OrangeMooseReads @Gleefulreader @Reviewsbylola & @rubyslippersreads I did taste one of the doughnuts and it was just ok...not worth the calories 😡The tone of the book has switched but the bad taste still lingers 8y
LeahBergen I bet a lot of his books don't really stand the test of time! 😬 8y
ValerieAndBooks I know what you mean! The general regard of women and minorities and LBGT back in those days really show up in the novels of the time! 😔 8y
Cinfhen @ValerieAndBooks @LeahBergen so true! Especially in this one, the writing is pretty weak and the lack of sensitivity is so discernible. 8y
Meg11726 I say screw the book and devour those doughnuts! They look drool worthy 😂 8y
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The Naked Face | Sidney Sheldon
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Next up on this rainy Sunday☔️my 1970 #birthdaychallenge book by Sidney Sheldon

LeahBergen I remember that cover! 8y
Cinfhen @LeahBergen No Way!!! That cover is wayyy older than you 😜💗have u read it??? And why are u awake??? 8y
LeahBergen Ha! I think I read it in the mid '80s when I did a Sidney Sheldon binge. 😀 And I don't know WHY I'm awake. I should put the book AND the Litsy down. 😂 8y
quirkyreader This was a good story. 8y
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The Naked Face | Sidney Sheldon

The first and only mystery novel of Sheldon's, a one-of-a-kind. Masterfully done. His "can't-put-it-down" style is still there. I finished this book - all 320 pages - in an hour. An HOUR. I've never read anything as fast before OR after that.