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Grayson's Vow
Grayson's Vow | Mia Sheridan
8 posts | 12 read | 6 to read
A standalone romance from the New York Times bestselling author of Archer's Voice. Kira Dallaire is desperate. Some challenges in life seem too hard to overcome. With little money, and even fewer options, the quick-witted and vibrant twenty-two-year-old needs to reinvent herself. Known for her generous heart and impulsive personality, she devises a survival plan, possibly her most outrageous idea yet. Grayson Hawthorn is losing hope. Some obstacles in life seem too hard to overcome. Betrayal definitely being one of them. With limited capital, and dwindling resources, he is attempting to resurrect his failing family vineyard, a self-imposed vow seemingly destined to fail. That is until a young woman enters his office with an outlandish, unexpected proposition impossible to refuse. What begins as a temporary business arrangement, soon evolves into more as vivacious, spirited Kira challenges detached, arrogant Grayson to want more from life. To want more for himself. But as their wills clash and fiery passion ignites, they'll realize that sometimes the past creates walls too difficult to climb, and that lies and deception rarely precede a happily every after. As Kira and Grayson race toward their destiny, they will discover that some vows are meant to be broken, and others are worth risking everything for . . . even your very own heart. THIS IS A STAND-ALONE SIGN OF LOVE NOVEL, INSPIRED BY LIBRA. New Adult Contemporary Romance: Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.
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Grayson's Vow | Mia Sheridan
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Q: Are you watching Olympic Games?
We got our first medal today. Jakov Fak won silver medal in men's biathlon. We are so proud.
This is last post for today. It's time for a little reading before sleep...😴
#archersvoice #graysonsvow #kyland #miasheridan #romance #romantsy #naromance #slovenianedition #greycovers #loveisintheair #candle #goodreads #bookworm #sexycovers #litsylove

Grayson's Vow | Mia Sheridan
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A couple of years ago I discovered Mia Sheridan & then devoured all the books she had published at the time. New books came out, but I never got around to reading them & I can't for the life of me figure out why. Because her books cause me to stay up till 3 AM reading 2 nights in a row, perhaps? 😀😴 I think it's time to plow through her newer books. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterG @BookishMarginalia #LitsyReadingChallenge First name in title @jessberk13

StrayCat13 @Kathrin I ran out of room to tag you in my post 😊 6y
Kathrin @StrayCat13 😁😁😁 6y
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Grayson's Vow | Mia Sheridan
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hot!!!! 🔥 ❤️ 7y
maich @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Too hot😂😂 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😜🤩😊❤️ 7y
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Grayson's Vow | Mia Sheridan
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Grayson's Vow | Mia Sheridan
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Sweet book!

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Grayson's Vow | Mia Sheridan
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Grayson's Vow | Mia Sheridan

Jury's still out on this one, but knowing Mia's books, I'll be in love soon enough...

JennyTheBish Loved this book! 8y
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