I listened to this on audio, which for me means that my mind wandered a lot while I was listening to it. I still quite liked it, as I always enjoy Bernard Cornwell.
I listened to this on audio, which for me means that my mind wandered a lot while I was listening to it. I still quite liked it, as I always enjoy Bernard Cornwell.
I LOVED this 🙌🏻 but I was already a big fan of Bernard Cornwell. This is a standalone that features the English-French battles at Soissons, Harfleur, and Agincourt in the early 1400‘s. I had to read this one fairly slowly because of all of the time spent on archery details and very specific military battle maneuvers. But by the time I approached the end, Agincourt, all of the attention on archery and strategy made total sense. Really enjoyed it.
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description or reason for wanting to read the book. Some are old and some will be new. Don't judge me - I have a lot of books.
Day 62
#tbrmountain #bookbuyingdiet
No doubt Bernard Cornwell is a master at historical fiction. His Saxon Tales series is one of my favorite. Agincourt is good, but it was less character driven and more of a imagining of the famous battle that Henry V is infamous for. LOTS of battle scenes, LOTS of details on medieval archery... Good but I didn't connect to the characters.
I enjoyed listening to this one, but I was expecting something... more. How quickly I forgot all about the book is telling. I mostly remember how repetitive the writing was (we get that archers are strong, OK!) and the romantic plot felt a bit forced, like how you have to have a romantic plot in every single book, no matter what the subject matter is. The historical parts were interesting though!
Starting Azincourt which I have had more years than I care to remember, the next book in the #MakeMeReadIt Challenge.
#biggestletdown I expected so much more from this book, and was further so disappointed by Cornwell's Arthurian trilogy that I have not been able to bring myself to read anything else by him, which is a shame, because his subject matter looks like stuff I'd love...if only someone else would write it. My Goodreads review for Agincourt can be found here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/709366417 #splashintosummerreads
This was an interesting, intense novel about the famous English victory at the battle of Agincourt, despite being heavily outnumbered. The battle descriptions are rather gritty and brutal, but life in medieval times, particularly war time, wasn't pretty. This book gives you a peek into the life of an ordinary soldier fighting in the army of Henry V.
My fascination with the 15th century British monarchy continues! ;) After watching "The Hollow Crown" miniseries I saw this book in the window of the local used bookstore and had to get it. It's a novel featuring Henry V and the famous battle of Agincourt.