Ugh. I wish I weren‘t such a completionist. Interesting story concept but they lost me about halfway the first return to Earth. #audio #christyread #SciFi
Ugh. I wish I weren‘t such a completionist. Interesting story concept but they lost me about halfway the first return to Earth. #audio #christyread #SciFi
#BFCr3 started yesterday, but I was under the weather and spent a good chunk of it in bed. So, today I‘m making up for lost time. Instead of calling an Uber after a work meeting I talked my friend into walking 1 1/2 miles to the metro station with me (We found an Amazon bookstore and it was just as soulless as we imagined.) Then when I came home I tried a new walking route through Gerald Ford Park. Also walked a ways in my new sandals today.
Intriguing mystery sprawling between the Moon and Earth. There's a hint at the end that this may be a trilogy.
Good story mixed with science and politics of the US and China. Who is in charge when we start to colonize the moon? Mystery on the moon when an American is said to have killed a Chinese leader, this turns into a chase from the moon to Earth to the moon again. Set in 2047, that moon trip is right around the corner for us! Ending was not my choice but I‘m thinking a follow up book may be coming?
Is there an author you've tried to enjoy, but just can't? Robinson is mine. I've tried and tried, because his stories sound so interesting and he's received much acclaim, but I end up bailing again and again. I bailed on the Red Mars trilogy, I bailed on The Years of Rice and Salt and I bailed on Antarctica. Now, I'm doing it again. I give up, some authors just aren't for everyone.
1. Tagged and Damnation Island.
2. Hufflepuff
3. The Orville
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
This is a work of near-future speculative fiction set approximately 40 years from now. It‘s strength is the creation of a very believable world (including the moon) from a mainly Chinese perspective. I‘m not an expert in China or it‘s history but the author‘s creation rings true with what I do know. I did find the plot and characters not very compelling however but the background story arc kept me reading.
Today's book mail! What a way to end the week. 😊