Here‘s my #bookhaul from today‘s library sale! 🥳 $3.50 total. That‘s my kind of pricing!
Here‘s my #bookhaul from today‘s library sale! 🥳 $3.50 total. That‘s my kind of pricing!
I loved this book having spent a lot of my childhood years visiting my grandmother in Spokane, a lot of the places were familiar to me in this book. This book kept my interest there were some slow spots but it was very interesting learning about the corruption in the police department and the sheriffs dedication to solving this crime years later. I thought it was a great read.
I wrote a few words on a new manuscript today, then went for a long hike, now I'm reading this one for research. Narrative nonfiction that delves into police corruption in 1935 Spokane and a massive cover up that followed. And I just keep thinking... We've had so much time to change things. What happened?
A 1980s small-town sheriff in Washington digs up a 50-year-old murder involving some crooked cops while working on his master's thesis.
I felt almost like this was an early draft. There were some gasp-worthy revelations in the middle, but the beginning is really slow, and the ending is anticlimactic. It would have benefitted with some rearranging.
I have a hard time reading in bed longer than 10 min these days... 😴
Good true crime story of a cop killed by another crooked cop and how the Spokane WA police department covered up for decades until a small town sheriff unearths the story. And I finally finished a #bookspin from March! @TheAromaofBooks
Enjoying spring weather and a good book on my front porch. And just hit 10,000 on Litsy. Thanks for the community!! I have it way easy compared to so many others, but today was my low point during COVID. Rough day. Glad for books, friends and Litsy.
Enjoying spring weather and a good book on my front porch. And just hit 10,000 on Litsy. Thanks for the community!! I have it way easy compared to so many others, but today was my low point during COVID. Rough day. Glad for books, friends and Litsy.
1. Tagged, Warmth of Other Suns, War & Peace, Wolf Hall. 2. Recent: Say Anything, Ghost Wall, Breaking Blue. 3. Powell's. Aunties in Spokane. 4. Grew up rural & isolated. Read the Tolkien trilogy over & over starting at 9. 5. Handmaid's Tale 6. The Night Watchman, Weather, Solnit's new book. 7. Daisy Jones & the Six. 8. War & Peace. 9. Classics, rereading books important to me 10. My garden. 11. Charlotte's Web. 12. Whoever hasn't played!
Hey @TheAromaofBooks it‘s never too late in the month to start #BookSpin! Starting today and planning for a Triplespin in April. I am waiting on my March #doublespin which was Brothers Karamazov because I joined #apublicspace in the group read of War and Peace. Only one chunkster Russian novel at a time!
My #Bookspin book! This has been on my TBR list for years. Have read other Tim Egan books. Thanks @TheAromaofBooks Been awhile since I read a book about my town.