So sad but also so beautiful. Jess is processing the grief of losing her girlfriend of 2+ years, Vivi. Chapters bounce from before her death to after, and we get to also see the love blossom and grow.
I really liked this one.
So sad but also so beautiful. Jess is processing the grief of losing her girlfriend of 2+ years, Vivi. Chapters bounce from before her death to after, and we get to also see the love blossom and grow.
I really liked this one.
Beautiful and uplifting... I can‘t recommend it enough! (Tissue alert though)
A moving story about love, grief, and recovery. It's obvious based on the premise alone--alternate timelines, before & after Jess's high school sweetheart abruptly dies--that its a tearjerker, & it is at times but it's really more focused on the effects of grief and finding a new equilibrium in the aftermath of loss.
Getring in some evening reading, because I just found out this library book is due back in a few days 😅
Pretty sure this one is going to be a heartbreaker
I decided to only read books with queer characters/by queer authors/both, for the month of June, cause Pride month y‘all. 🌈 Firstly was this gorgeous, tender, sad but hopeful YA novel about 2 high school girls who are quite clearly in love. When one dies the other isn‘t sure she‘ll be able to continue on. Loved it, but tired of the troupe of queer people dying as a major plot point, can we just not die.
Idk I just struggle getting into this authors books. Yes we deserve a heartbreaking grieving story but it touches too close to the “bury the gays” trope to be comfortable.
I sat down to read and post about this, and I started reading and the next thing I know, 50 pages have gone by. I loved Georgia Peaches, and so far this is surpassing that bar.
I really loved Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruits, and The Meaning of Birds did not disappoint. Main character Jess is dealing with the sudden loss of her longtime girlfriend, and losing the control she had gained on her anger management. Alternating between her past with Vivi, and her present where she must discover a new future for herself.
I loved Jaye Robin Brown's Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruits, so I snapped this arc up om Edelweiss.