I loved this book. It was emotional but paced well. Kyoshi being bisexual is a big element. Loved the chosen one isn‘t the chosen one. It made me laugh and cry.
I loved this book. It was emotional but paced well. Kyoshi being bisexual is a big element. Loved the chosen one isn‘t the chosen one. It made me laugh and cry.
Trying this one again. Wasn‘t that I didn‘t like it I just wasn‘t in the mood for romance before. Now I‘m not sure what I want other than something light so hopefully this is it.
A really great book that takes time to ask the hard questions about race and America. It will make you laugh only to make you cry and leave you haunted.
Probably the closest I got to a book understanding my own gender and gender issues. As someone just coming out as non-binary. Some parts aren‘t the same but like 99% is. I‘m so thankful for this book.
I really loved this arc. It translated so well into page. It was funny and intense and even emotional. I truly hope we get more of these comics. I couldn‘t put it down.
An amazing ending to this series. Did I stay up late to finish it? Yes. And I don‘t regret it. An amazing journey of a book and I love the growth Genie makes. I love these characters so much 😭💜
Really disappointed in this. Loved how it was accurate about the trauma of coming out. Not so much that it got what being Asexual and Bisexual completely wrong. Or the fact the character was their trauma and not anything past that.
Loved this. A little slow to start but it‘s needed to set the stage. By the end you won‘t be able to put it down.
Dark and gory so read at your own risk. A ton of trigger warnings. Murder mystery, the occult, and secret societies with a kick ass female lead who I hope can just find some happiness. Can‘t wait to see where the series goes.
Really magical and sweet. I love the nature magic in this book. Love the characters and how they develop. They deserve only happiness.
I read it in one sitting. I love the art, the characters, the magic. It‘s so different and just fun. Also I love that they have a trans character in Prill and they don‘t hide the fact Nyneve clearly has a crush on Io ( which I might too lol)
A really powerful story about being a trans woman. It starts out light with emotional pieces scattered throughout. It wraps you up in the niceness only to sucker punch you and leave you emotional. Handled the trauma of the characters well.
New favorite. Brought the energy of raven cycle into a far more satisfying story. I loved this story and the characters. Witches and a deep connection to nature. Diverse cast of characters. Queer. And chronic pain rep that actually felt real and like real rep to me.
Idk I just struggle getting into this authors books. Yes we deserve a heartbreaking grieving story but it touches too close to the “bury the gays” trope to be comfortable.
Loved this. I‘m gonna have to get a physical copy when it comes out. A lot of fun, a lot of Caitlin‘s great humor. The art is amazing. My only complaint is I wish it had been longer.
Lived up to the hype. If you want something with Gilmore girls vibes, this is perfect for you even better you get a satisfying ending where the show never did give you. Plus diverse and is a queer love story. Loved every second of this story.
1. Warm weather 😭
2. Lost Coast and there‘s something about Sweet.
4. Popsicles and ice cream
5. 106
6. i don‘t really know anyone but Weezie so if you wanna do it this is your tag.
I cried. It talks about grief, of claiming your family, of being you, and love. Beautifully written and I couldn‘t put it down.
Idk it‘s written like kids out of college trying to be deeper then they are. Which I guess is kinda the point of it, considering the main character is just out of college. But it‘s just not for me.
A quick cute read. Silly but as a cat owner I can relate to a lot of this.
I really loved this. I loved the world building, the characters. It took me a bit to get into it but once it did it I was hooked. The end got me bad.
This was good. Tear inducing and just what I needed. As someone who‘s dated a Laura Dean, this story touched close to home. Art was beautiful and the story is well done. So happy I ordered this one.
When you‘re feeling queer already then this comes in the mail
Mini book haul today on my day off. I didn‘t mean to make a theme but my fave indie store had all the middle grade books I‘ve been wanting.
Haunting and queer. As someone from Maine, this is one of the few stories that really captures it here. And the idea that the epidemic in the story could possibly happen in a form is what will stay with you.
Don‘t read hungry. Honestly a really great collection of stories that tie together. Really well written and will leave you craving the foods in the stories. Still can‘t get over Rebecca Roanhorse‘s story.
I really wished I liked this book. But it constantly repeated itself, giving recaps in the middle of the paragraph of what you just read. If it cut down on it it would be shorter and more enjoyable. But instead I was left completely frustrated.
Such an emotional read. I wasn‘t even sure I could finish it because of how emotional it was. But the ending was worth it.
I put off reading it bc it‘s such a big book. So I finally got the ebook and I couldn‘t put it down. It‘s heartbreaking and the ending you for the most part hoped for. The story was great and had so many layers.
The books I got for my birthday a day early. I‘m still shook I got a signed first edition of On The Come Up. Living in the middle of nowhere you know I grabbed it.
I found this honestly adorable and made teenage me who loved fruits basket so happy. It‘s not the same but it still was cute. I can‘t wait to find out more of the story.
I loved this book so much. We see the impact of the hate u give to the rest of the community and what happens in the viral videos of black teens being attacked or rather lack of actual action. Bri‘s story is so different from Starr‘s but still just as important. And I had a song that‘s not yet real stuck in my head while reading this.
Just finished this!!! It came out so good for my first project. Can‘t wait for my next one to get here. 😭
My first embroidery project. Thanks to @WeeziesBooks for getting me into it!
This book kept surprising me. You think it‘s about a forbidden love but in reality it‘s about self acceptance and self love. Mari is a great character that you root for.
I really loved this. Relatable and funny.
A new take on the Persephone myth. I enjoyed this new take a lot. Still follows the basic myth but gives it a new world and magic that‘s just a lot of fun.
Recent book haul! I‘ve decided I need a break from YA books. Anyone have any recommendations? Bonus if it‘s historical fiction (my current craving).
Probably a new favorite of mine. Extremely import read between history most of us don‘t know and the way mental illness is handled so well it‘s just an amazing read. Gory and violent but still really amazing.
An emotional roller coaster that deals with rape and when it hits close to home. Also extremely queer which is always a huge plus.
I have mixed feelings. Demon book? Yes. Awesome female character standing up without being the typical female protagonist of late? Yes. But the “demons” symptoms are a little too close to mental illness to be comfortable. Also the ending was a bit weak.
Rating: 3ish stars.
Though the art style in the book is completely different fromMonet‘s paintings (more gauche then oil) I really enjoyed this book. It was beautifully done and brings a host of emotions with it. Come for the story stay for the beautiful art.
My new way of tracking my 2019 reads in my bullet journal. I‘m also doing a round up each month using book spines. But I need to print a template for that tomorrow. Not seen: I‘m also doing quick doodles of the book covers in the corn. But this one came out so bad I need to redo it with a sticky.
Girl gang trying to stop a cult leader who‘s trying to end the world again? Yes please. The ending felt a tad rushed but I honestly loved this book and the girls in it. Read and meet my sweet daughter Ben who wants revenge.
At some point my kindle screen shattered today. I‘m just really upset at myself.
Probably one of the more relatable books on mental illness and living in the US with the need for health insurance. Something I‘m currently dealing with myself. And it‘s brutally honest in the fact we don‘t get to live the lives we wish because we need to meet certain things to survive and get the meds we need.
An amazing book that speaks to what it‘s like to be genderfluid. Great fantasy world and writing with deeper meaning of death to the LGBTQA community. It also shines a light on sexism. All in all it‘s great!