My library booked a virtual visit with Crystal Maldonado next month and I‘m so excited! I‘m using this snow day to listen to her book and drink a ton of tea 🫖
My library booked a virtual visit with Crystal Maldonado next month and I‘m so excited! I‘m using this snow day to listen to her book and drink a ton of tea 🫖
I‘ve heard nothing but good things about Mieko Kawakami‘s debut and while the premise sounded a little different than something I would ordinarily pick up, it‘s proving to be a really interesting read (listen). Granted, I‘m only about 20% in but I‘m excited to continue listening.
The first book I‘m diving into in 2021! Let‘s hope this year is so much better than the last!
I‘ve heard nothing but great things about this book, and am excited to get into it. I watched a panel where the author spoke about this novel and the premise peaked my interest, so far it‘s very interesting. I spent the last several weeks moving and finally feel settled in enough to start a book.
I live for Latinx LGBTQ+ content, throw in Dia de Muertos and I‘m sold! I‘m now thoroughly obsessed with Aiden Thomas and want to be their best friend! 👻💀
I‘ve been wanting to read this one for some time, I just hadn‘t gotten around to it. No time like the present 😁
My new thing is spending my Saturdays doing chores and cleaning while listening to an audiobook. No tv or internet until the house is clean and my book is finished. This is this weekends “read”.
This year has been trash and just putting one foot in front of the other has taken all my focus. But I‘m back...maybe? Anyways, I‘ve been firmly on the audiobook train so I can “read” and work or clean or whatever, all at the same time. I wanted something fun and easy and so far this one is fitting the bill! It‘s cute and sweet but with a kind of gritty backstory.
I have an unhealthy obsession with Tarryn Fisher and Colleen Hoover‘s friendship, not to mention their writing styles. The Wives so far has been excellent, I can‘t wait to see the twists and turns this book takes me on!
I LOVED Emergency Contact so I couldn‘t wait to start Permanent Record. It‘s made for a great before bed read, being away from life and responsibilities has made getting some reading done a lot easier than usual. Pablo and Leanna are the cutest couple and I find myself rooting for them and their relationship. Might we get a happy ending? 💖
Trying to catch up; I have loved Tegan and Sara since high school, they raised me from a sweet baby queer to who I am now. I‘ve seen them live 6 times, including the tour for this book, and they‘ve never disappointed. I listened to this one on audio and it‘s so good, the inclusion of actual audio from their early days made the book so much better.
I put in a full day of travel from Portland to Chicago, Chicago to Memphis and this book accompanied me from plane to plane. It‘s a heavy subject matter but an important one, the author is insightful and challenging. He doesn‘t shy away from asking the uncomfortable questions, people should be uncomfortable. I‘m excited to finish it on my return trip.
I‘m at YALSA in Memphis for work and it‘s been so much fun! Got to meet a few of my fave authors, walked away with some signed copies of books and a few galleys, geeked out at Gabby Rivera, ate some great barbecue. Who knew Memphis was so fun?!
I‘ve been reading/listening to the much anticipated new Margaret Atwood and holy crap is it amazing. I‘m about halfway through and I‘m trying to savor the last half. Even if you‘ve not become obsessed with the show, read this excellent book.
I‘ve been doing a lot of 3 hour round trip car journeys the last couple of months. Audiobooks have been helping me to pass the time and stay sane. I‘m about 3/4 of the way through and really enjoying this one surprisingly, it wasn‘t one I was dying to read but it was available and relatively new. 🤷🏻♀️
I switched jobs a year ago and went from a library with 6 poc out of a staff of 10 to a library where I am the only person of color in our staff of 12. Needless to say it‘s been a huge adjustment, I definitely took my previous colleagues and our shared experiences for granted. This book is putting some things into perspective and helping me to remember that I‘m not being overly sensitive. Also, micro aggressions are a thing.
This book! This book, this book, this book!! I read this one as a #lmpbc pick and I really enjoyed it. Sometimes I‘m leery of books that are super popular so I more than likely wouldn‘t have given this one a shot but I‘m glad I did.
Because my beach read was disappointing I needed a palate cleanser. What better than a YA love story centered around food?! I really enjoyed this one, it was totally unpretentious and didn‘t try to be something that it wasn‘t. It‘s one I‘d been meaning to get around to reading but just hadn‘t had the time, glad I finally did.
This was my beach read last week and I was sorely disappointed by it. I felt it had a lot of promise and the stories were interesting but they didn‘t delve in deep enough. I found it lacking overall.
Jumped on the bandwagon, come be my friend if you want. Though I make no guarantees that I‘ll be any good at this game.
Which brings me to my current read! Um, hi, I‘m in love with this graphic novel and I‘m mayyybe 10 pages in 😍😍
Witches? Yes! Sapphic witches? YES!! Sapphic witches with ex drama? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! 😂 I think I‘m in the minority but I actually really liked this one, it was slow in parts and kind of lost its way a few times but I‘m into it! I‘ll definitely pick up the sequel.
I decided to only read books with queer characters/by queer authors/both, for the month of June, cause Pride month y‘all. 🌈 Firstly was this gorgeous, tender, sad but hopeful YA novel about 2 high school girls who are quite clearly in love. When one dies the other isn‘t sure she‘ll be able to continue on. Loved it, but tired of the troupe of queer people dying as a major plot point, can we just not die.
Elizabeth Acevedo is everything! Little known fact, I worked as a chef for awhile before I decided to go into libraries, so this book slammed all my worlds together into an awesome little package. Books like this one solidify why YA is such a great genre.
Picked up this sweet little graphic novel from work today. I wanted something fun and fairly easy to read because I‘ve been stressed the heck out lately. It delivered! A very cute sci-fi, lgbtq, boarding school plot line with a very diverse set of characters. Will definitely read again.
I don‘t know why I listen to books that piss me off but for some reason whenever I‘m working i find myself listening to things that are gonna make me angry.
Done. Finally. I wanted to bail on this one so many times and had to take long breaks at times to make it through. Maybe I‘m missing something but I really didn‘t enjoy this book, I tried really hard to connect with it and it just wasn‘t me. 🤷🏻♀️ going in the mail tomorrow for #lmpbc
Excellent! As someone who struggles with being alone vs being lonely it was nice to see that I‘m not the only one with ALL THE FEELINGS. While Moore could come off seeming to be kind of whiny at times I was completely with her the whole way. It was weirdly like reading my own story/history.
THIS!!! 👆🏼👆🏼 i always tell people I was raised by wolves because my parents were pretty trash. More often than not though they‘ll say something like, well they must‘ve done something right because you‘re great, blah blah blah. No. I did something right, despite them. Me.
I received @LiteraryinLititz #lmpbc book in the mail right before I left for vacation in New Mexico! I brought it along but didn‘t even crack it open until my flight home, I‘ll speed through it though and move it along 😁
Audiobooks are not usually my favorite but I‘ve been getting more into them since I changed jobs. After hearing a bit of daisy jones on audio I can‘t imagine experiencing it any other way. Having all the different voices playing all the different parts 👌🏼
I think I went into this book thinking it was something that it wasn‘t, that being said it was pretty great. It focused on expanding upon the commencement address Abby gave to Barnard College in 2018, and is broken up into rules, old and new. I love Abby Wambach and have been obsessed with soccer since I was little so I loved this.
I started listening to this one while at work and had to turn it off after an hour, the stories told were heartbreaking and made me angry. Angry at the state of the world, angry at our patriarchal society, angry at people who think they can lay claim to our bodies. Just anger.
A friend recommended this book to me and holy crap is it a good one!! I was for sure hesitant upon reading the synopsis but I‘m glad I went for it. Ling Ma‘s meandering style of writing is probably not for everyone but if that‘s something you can get past it‘s a very enjoyable story of a dystopian world.
I didn‘t die!!! I‘ve just been stupid busy and something had to give, unfortunately Litsy was it! Hopefully I‘m back at it! 🤞🏻
Spending my lazy Sunday reading poetry written by someone I saw on YouTube a couple of years ago. Her poem, Thighs Say, moved me and I‘ve been following her ever since. #womensupportingwomen
I‘m allowed to listen to music or audiobooks or podcasts at work when I‘m not on desk shift so I chose this one. This cover just grabbed me, and it‘s been one that my teens have been reading and really enjoying. So far it‘s pretty darn good!
Started listening to this one yesterday at work, it‘s a bit long winded but I love Abbi Jacobson and I found myself nodding to a lot of what she has to say. If you‘re a fan of broad city you‘ll probably enjoy it.
SOOOO GOOD!!!! I love that this book takes place in the same neighborhoods as THUG! The characters that Angie Thomas writes are so well fleshed out and relatable. She can actually do no wrong. I‘ll be adding this book to my outreach selections.
Okay #lmpbc friends @kstadt929 @LiteraryinLititz @BennettBookworm these are my ideas for our next round, any that you‘re obsessed with or that you absolutely don‘t want to read?
Oh my word!! @vicgreentoriafield everything you sent is so beautiful and special! Thank you so much, you really went above and beyond! ❤️ #cupidgoespostal
Such cute wrapping and packaging @vicgreentoriafield !!!! I‘m hesitant to rip them open! #cupidgoespostal
Processing new books and this little beauty is coming home with me
Guess what was on my doorstep at lunch today...#cupidgoespostal #litsymail thanks @vicgreentoriafield I‘m excited for opening day!!! ❤️
Started this one while at work today, on the recommendation of @BookNerd9906 for #newyearwhodis I‘m only like an hour in but so far it‘s really good! Looking forward to seeing where it goes.
I‘m so close I can taste it!! 😁😁 I think I‘m actually going to finish this time around!!
I‘m taking a small break though because I don‘t LOVE this book, but I‘m gonna trudge through.
Omg! Yes, so much yes! I devoured this book, Arthur and Ben are everything I wish relationships were at 17, hell even at 32 😂 The emphasis placed on the importance of friendships was great, and the friendships in this book were very well thought out. I loved it! #24in48