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The Silver Dark Sea
The Silver Dark Sea | Susan Fletcher
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The powerful new novel from the award-winning author of Eve Green and Oystercatchers is a tale of love and the lore of the sea.
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The Silver Dark Sea | Susan Fletcher
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My last finished book of August… I didn‘t want it to end.❤️

I‘m so enamored with this author and her books. Such gorgeous prose…this is not really fantasy, not really romance, maybe magical realism? It‘s a story about grief and love and family and loneliness and storytelling, set on a tiny Scottish island with a varied, colorful population of characters. It‘s so sad and so sweet and I loved every page.


LeeRHarry I love this author too - Eve Green is one of my favourites 💕 2y
sprainedbrain @LeeRHarry I still need to read that one! 2y
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The Silver Dark Sea | Susan Fletcher
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Hey, #LMPBC group L. Here are some mysteries and fantasies and mystery/fantasy books I have to choose from. Any you‘ve read or would rather not read? Any that you‘d prefer? I will tag the other books in comments.

Fun fact: the tagged book was one of my options for another round of #LMPBC 3 years ago and I still haven‘t read it. 😳😅

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JLaurenceCohen Piranesi is great 2y
persephone1408 I've wanted to read these violent delights BUT I absolutely love Shea Ernshaw! 2y
persephone1408 So either one... 2y
BookishBelle I‘ve read These Violent Delights. I‘m most interested in The Blinds but would happily read any of the others. 2y
TheSpineView My top picks are Piranesi and A History of Wild Places. Any of the others would work, though The Whisper Man is the lowest in my list. 2y
sprainedbrain Looks like I will go with A History of Wild Places, if there are no objections. Thanks, ladies! @TheSpineView @BookishBelle @persephone1408 2y
BookishBelle No objection here. Thank you! Yay! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Just have to say that this round of #LMPBC we actually picked a book that I have had as an option for at least four other rounds 😂 So the time may still come for The Silver Dark Sea!! 2y
TheSpineView Sounds good! 2y
sprainedbrain @TheAromaofBooks haha! There‘s hope for it someday. 😂 2y
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The Silver Dark Sea | Susan Fletcher
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Believe it or not, this is what ‘narrowed down‘ looks like for me as I try to pick a book for #LMPBC Round 5 #GroupT 😂

Ladies, please let me know if you‘ve read any of these, would rather not read any of them, or see one that you like to read. Letters from Skye is a hardcover, and the rest are paperbacks.

I will tag the others in the comments!

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Lcsmcat I LOVED Ordinary Grace!!! 5y
cathysaid I think Faces or 24-hr sound interesting! 5y
VeganCleopatra I'm not involved but A Northern Light was good. 5y
EmilyM @sprainedbrain I think Letters from Skye, Ordinary Grace and Faces sound good, but I haven't read any of them, so I'm up for any of them. 5y
EclecticBookLover I read 24-hr for my last #LMPBC! But that's the only one. A northern lights, Skye and faces sound good! 5y
sprainedbrain @Lcsmcat @VeganCleopatra I‘m really looking forward to both of those! 5y
sprainedbrain @cathysaid @EmilyM @EclecticBookLover looks like Faces in the Water will be my book! I may read Letters from Skye as well in March just in case. 5y
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