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Fedro | Platone
Il Fedro (in greco antico: ???????, Phidros), scritto da Platone probabilmente nel 370 a.C., un dialogo tra due personaggi, Socrate e Fedro. Il dialogo composto da tre discorsi sul tema dellamore che servono come metafora per la discussione del corretto uso della retorica. Esse comprendono discussioni sullanima, la follia, lispirazione divina e larte. Il dialogo riguarda luso e il valore della retorica in connessione con leducazione e la filosofia: sullo sfondo, a fornire il fondamentale inquadramento concettuale, permane il sistema delle idee e il metodo corretto per pervenire alla conoscenza della verit e per comunicarla. Fedro, un giovane ateniese appassionato dellarte del discorso, incontra Socrate e con lui inizia a discorrere di retorica, mentre i due si recano fuori di Atene, nella valle dellIlisso, a est della citt. Il luogo offre a Platone lo spunto per produrre una delle descrizioni ambientali pi belle di tutta la letteratura greca. In questo scenario di grande tranquillit e bellezza, Fedro racconta a Socrate di aver appena ascoltato un discorso, di cui ha la copia con s, che loratore Lisia ha composto sullamore, in particolare sullopportunit di concedere i propri favori a chi non innamorato, piuttosto che a chi lo sia. Socrate ascolta il discorso lisiano che Fedro legge e lo trova apprezzabile dal punto di vista della tecnica oratoria, ma scorretto nei presupposti metodologici e la tecnica perde di valore se non sorretta dalla saggezza del pensiero.
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“Dear Pan and all you gods of this place, grant me that I may become beautiful within; and that what is in my possession outside me may be in friendly accord with what is inside. And may I count the wise man as rich; and may my pile of gold be of a size that no one but a man of moderate desires could bear or carry it."

- Socrates' prayer to Pan

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I picked up Phaedrus because it's short (126 pages inc. Introduction and notes) and because Pirsig uses the name in "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", otherwise I didn't know what it's about. Turns out it starts with a cynical description of love described by the absent Lysias, which Socrates, by amplifying Lysias' argument, shows is a distorted description, actually describing narcissistic abuse. I'm moving on to Socrates' own ??

Bookwomble definition of love, which is currently flying through the upper aether with the gods on an altogether more elevated plane than Lysias. Where he talks, really, of lust and sex, Socrates talks of love and mutual nurturing - I think! as I'm a relative newcomer to Plato, and being a reader rather than a student.
I'm pleasantly surprised by the gentle humour in the dialogue between Socrates and Phaedrus. It feels warm and affectionate.
Bookwomble [Tea: Lady Grey: Cake: Lemon Madeleine] #booksandtea 4y
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Yes, play a board game like Monopoly with friends, you'll discover things about them you never expected.

#QuotsyFeb20 #play


Cathythoughts 🤔 something to ponder on (edited) 5y
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I love my hammock so much y'all! Worth braving the mosquitoes and humidity. I love being outside, and my hammock allows for all sorts of comfy reading positions! Plus I love reading in the distraction-free peace of nature. 😊
#hammockreading #outdoorreadingisthebestreading

Zelma That looks awesome! 7y
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This sleepy puppy jumped in my lap at the desk, then made my book his pillow. 😂😂 (We have since moved to the couch so he can properly sleep and snuggle!) #dogsoflitsy #bostonterriersoflitsy

Caterina @britt_brooke @Bostonmomx2 I know y'all have Bostons too, so here's our sweet Pippin. 😊 7y
BooksForYears If you need someone to be a substitute puppy cuddler, I'm available! 😍🐶 7y
britt_brooke Awww, Pippin is so sweet! 💚 My Sam does not snuggle so I'm very jealous! 7y
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Bostonmomx2 Ermagerd.... so precious!! Thank you for tagging me ❤️❤️ 7y
Bostonmomx2 @britt_brooke my elvis only will if he's cold. He's kind of a turd like that lol 7y
DGRachel 😍😍 7y
EvieBee You have a Boston baby?!? I have 2! 7y
RadicalReader @Caterina I wonder if these dogs could talk if they would have a Boston Accent 😂 7y
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Thanks to the magic of air-conditioning, I can drink hot chocolate and cozy up under a heated blanket to read some philosophy! 😊

Bklover I do that when I want a fire in the fireplace ....... and it's July! 7y
Zelma @Bklover we had a temperature dip one night and I almost built fire in ours. Then I reminded myself that I still had the ac blasting. 7y
Bklover Go for it! Just turn the ac to freezing! 7y
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Another morning of hot chocolate and Plato. 😊 #hotchocolateandbook

Also, I realize it's no longer hot chocolate season, but I don't drink coffee, so this is my relaxing morning ritual!

Kangaj1 I don't drink coffee either. Love hot chocolate! 7y
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Starting my Saturday morning off right, with some hot chocolate and some Plato. 😊 #hotchocolateandbook

Literaryunicorn YAS! The philosophy major in me is cheering 👏👏👏 7y
Caterina @Literaryunicorn 😃😃😃 I'm a classics major, so I frequently get to dabble in Greek and Roman philosophy! 7y
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