Great middle grade book about a young girl and her family as they try to navigate a divorce and mental health issues. 4 stars.
Great middle grade book about a young girl and her family as they try to navigate a divorce and mental health issues. 4 stars.
A sweet informative book. 4.5/5
Read for the #Buzzwordathon - April prompt is Space words
Some more pretty covers!! #coverlove #MGEdition @megnews @sblbooks
Read this in one sitting. I‘m new to A.S. King and I can‘t get enough. What a heartbreaking and heartwarming book.
None of the books I‘ve picked up this week have caught my attention, but it‘s okay because this came in the mail today! Thank you, @Liberty , for the bookstagram giveaway and for sending it so quickly! ❤️
TFW one of your favorite authors names a character in a book after you. I‘M NOT CRYING, YOU‘RE CRYING. To have a character named after me, and by one of the most incredible, important authors working today, is one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me. I am so, so honored. 😭📚❤️