On my way into work this morning, I spotted this truck as they waited to turn into the sub! I believe the elementary school was going to have a Scholastic Book Fair today!!! ☺️📚❤️
On my way into work this morning, I spotted this truck as they waited to turn into the sub! I believe the elementary school was going to have a Scholastic Book Fair today!!! ☺️📚❤️
Online scholastic book fair just doesn‘t have the same thrill. 😕
An old-timey Scholastic Book Services book. Isn‘t that a cute cover? ❤️
Day 21
Guess what I got to do this week?!? Got to help our neighboring elementary library set up for their book fair!! Brought back that rush of anticipation, walking in with your money clutched in your hand, dizzy with the overwhelming choices! Ah, to have life that simple again!