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At Dusk
At Dusk | Hwang Sok-Yong
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Facing a corruption investigation, and in the twilight of his life, a wealthy man begins to re-examine all.
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At Dusk | Hwang Sok-Yong
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Park Minwoo is a Korean architect who is part of Seoul‘s rapid urban development. The traditional slums are fast being removed and replaced by modern buildings. But with it, Minwoo realizes his own roots and that of his country are disappearing. A slow, sad read. Very good!

(Pic: Amsterdam marathon)

Kalalalatja I love that you brought a book to a Marathon 😂 5y
LeahBergen Another great photo!! 😍 5y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja Yeah well... no excuse I think 😂 5y
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At Dusk | Hwang Sok-Yong
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I‘m signing off for the night at 19 hours total after reading just a few pages of At Dusk.

Thanks so much to the whole @24in48 team for hosting this fantastic readathon! Can‘t wait for the next one!

#readathon #24in48 #readtheworld #koreanlit

Librarybelle Great job! 5y
readtheworld @Librarybelle Thanks! Done with the readathon, on to the sleepathon 😴 (edited) 5y
Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻🥳🥳 5y
Jas16 🙌🏽 5y
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At Dusk | Hwang Sok-Yong
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Our new episode is up! Amanda and I discuss ‘At Dusk‘ by Hwang Sok-yong, translated by Sora Kim-Russell. We loved this quiet novel set in Seoul. Lots to discuss and we can see why Hwang is a legend in Korea. This one was long-listed for the Man Booker International Prize 2019. 📖🎧

A great pick for the #asianreadathon and #celebrasian . 👌🏼What have you been reading?

Cinfhen @shawnmooney have u read this??? 5y
shawnmooney @cinfhen No but am intrigued! 😍🥰 5y
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At Dusk | Hwang Sok-Yong
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Our new episode is up! Amanda and I discuss ‘At Dusk‘ by Hwang Sok-yong, translated by Sora Kim-Russell. We loved this quiet novel set in Seoul. Lots to discuss and we can see why Hwang is a legend in Korea. This one was long-listed for the Man Booker International Prize 2019. 📖🎧

A great pick for the #asianreadathon and #celebrasian . 👌🏼What have you been reading?

At Dusk | Hwang Sok-Yong
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A quiet book. Parallel stories of Park Minwoo & Cha Soona, childhood friends in a slum neighbourhood of outer Seoul before their paths diverge. I loved the clear writing, beautifully translated. Small details give an unflinching look at poverty & ordinary lives in Korea. Loved how the story built in layers like a painting. Great sense of place. I was confused for the first half by names & characters but it came together. Understated but strong.

Freespirit Lovely review..sounds like a lovely book! 5y
Abailliekaras @freespirit thanks! ☺️ 5y
BarbaraBB Sounds really good! 5y
Abailliekaras @BarbaraBB it‘s delicate but I liked the slow reveal. 😊 5y
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At Dusk | Hwang Sok-Yong
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My in-flight reading. 😜 this book is small so perfect for travel, but I‘m not sure if it will be too subtle and literary for me concentrate on a long flight. We‘ll see! ✈️

At Dusk | Hwang Sok-Yong
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Not my favourite of the #mbi2019 books but still firmly a pick. I loved how slowly the characters developed in such detail, how the past and present mixed together without getting confusing. I really love all the Korean novels I‘ve come across recently and really want to get my hands on more. Pls drop recommendations if you know any good ones!

batsy I really appreciated reading this. Very thought-provoking on the working class, precarious labour, and gender. 6y
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At Dusk | Hwang Sok-Yong
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Next up from #mbi2019 #manbookerinternational2019 - I adored the other book I read by this writer so I‘ve got high hopes! Probably my favourite cover of the bunch too.

fleeting Did you read her The Familiar Things? I have that but haven't gotten around to reading it! 6y
fleeting I mean is that the one you liked? :) 6y
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At Dusk | Hwang Sok-Yong
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A quite novel about the changing world is set in Seoul, told through alternating chapters between young woman struggling with everyday life, while following her dreams, and architect who grew up in the slum, and now, after successful career he wonders about his responsibilities - to the society and decisions made in his personal life. Interesting concept, and I assume, that this is also very accurate look at life in Seoul now and in the past⭐️⭐️⭐️

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At Dusk | Hwang Sok-Yong
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Just put this book on hold - it‘s on the Man Booker International Prize longlist. Have you read it? Or any of the books on the longlist?

LibrarianJen No, but this one has been on my TBR I read another of Vasquez‘s books and really like his style. 6y
BarbaraBB Attractive cover! 6y
Redwritinghood I don‘t think I‘ve read any on this longlist, but I picked this book up on a Kindle. 6y
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